Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Poll: 73.8 optimistic about the strength/durability of the State of Israel
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 28 September 2011
Telephone poll carried out by "Keilim Shluvim" for Maariv 21-22 September
2011 of a representative sample of Hebrew speaking Israeli Jews - NOT
INCLUDING ULTRA-ORTHODOX and published on 28
September, 2011 in Maariv.
This is the first time I am aware of that a national poll left out a sector
of the Jewish population.
Do you plan to send New Year greetings?
E-mail 37% SMS 34% Facebook 21% Card in the mail 8%
On a scale of 1-10 How proud were you to be an Israeli this past year? 6.9
Is there a chance to reach peace with the Palestinians?
No 54% Small 23% Good 23%
What is the greatest threat to Israel today?
23.6% Social gaps
21% Iranian bomb
19% Palestinian terror
16.3% Refusal to recognize existence of Israel as Jewish State
7.5% relations with Israeli Arabs
5.4% Palestinian declaration in the UN
0.8% Dispute with Turkey
Are you optimistic about the strength/durability of the State of Israel?
Yes 73.8% No 26.2%
Did the social protest change the hierarchy of preferences of the
Yes 57% No 43%
If elections were held, which of the following would you choose for prime
[AL: There is no direct election of prime minister in Israel]
Netanyahu 27% Livni 17% Shelley Yichimovitz 15% Liberman 14% Lapid 12%
What do you mostly like to do in your free time
Internet 55% Read book 30% Go to movie/performance 11%
If journalism Yair Lapid went into politics would you vote for his party?
Think yes 30% Certain no 29%
[AL: Considering that this week Maagar Mohot found that Lapid would only
get 2 seats (less than 2% of the vote) if he ran, the above question is of
questionable value.]
If the social protest movement ran a list for the Knesset would you vote for
Think yes 39% Think no 22%
[AL: Again - the problem with these questions is that people can say "yes"
for five different parties if each party is a separate question. The
question is when you force them to pick only one party to vote for.]
What is the most important issue for the coming year?
Education 37% Reducing poverty and cost of living 36% Peace with the
Palestinians 19%
In return for a peace agreement with the Palestinians should we return to
the '67 lines?
[AL: Israelis are clueless that this means giving up eastern Jerusalem
unless specified in the question]
58.1% Must not do it
24.2% Hold onto settlement blocs
12.6% On condition they forfeit right of return
5.2% the occupation is immoral
Did the application of the Palestinians to the UN distance the chance for
Damaged chances for peace 55% Didn't hurt 45%
Who is most appropriate to be DM?
Yaalon 20% Mofaz 29% Barak 21%
Should Israel apologize to Turkey over the flotilla?
Yes 14 % No 86%
Who is most appropriate to be Foreign Minister
Netanyahu 34% Livni 25% Liberman 15%
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
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Britannia Radio