WORLD OF DEMONIC FORCESFor review copies of Spiritual Warfare, please contact:
CONTACT: Jackie Monaghan
(615) 646-5990In a 21st century world consumed with interest in “the dark side” of the paranormal, is the mysterious realm of demonic spirits and other-worldly beings as portrayed in movies, books, and television productions that literally fill our pop culture screens and load down our bookshelves, really real? Is the devil a myth -- a figment of the human imagination -- or is there an existing demonic world of darkness? Is Satan really alive and well?
The answer: He is. Bad news for a world that operates virtually unaware of the oppression, depression and very tangible torment daily added to millions of lives by unseen spiritual forces and sources — often infiltrating through the portal of popular entertainment. As Christians, we too often play into the hand of Satan and his demonic hosts when we approach demonic warfare as a theoretical game or ‘curiosity’ rather than a life threatening conspiracy from the pit of hell.
The good news as presented by Dr. Karl Payne in the pages of his newly released book Spiritual Warfare is that through God’s Word and the effective use by Christians armed by God to be biblically clothed to combat the realms of darkness in the spiritual world –- Satan is a defeated foe!
The author issues a provocative, biblically based challenge for all Christians, regardless of their denominational, ecclesiastical, or theological loyalties, to consider the subject of spiritual warfare in general and demonic warfare in particular.
Spiritual Warfare is a book that offers practical hope for the believer and help for those that struggle with the very real issues of spiritual combat. Spiritual warfare is a reality and the one most likely to lose the battle is the one least aware of it. Dr. Payne offers balanced and theologically sound answers to the often heard pop culture questions:• What does it mean to be demon possessed?
• Identifying the fight: The world, the flesh, or the devil?
• Why are so many people today fascinated with the subjects of demons, vampires, and witchcraft?
•What are the keys to successfully confronting demons?
• Do demons really haunt houses?
• How can anyone living in the 21st century still believe in the reality of demons and the ability to attack people?
• Why is deliverance ministry so often portrayed as a “circus” by the media?
• Why are so many Christians paralyzed mentally and emotionally by demonic powers?
Through the pages of Spiritual Warfare, Dr. Payne offers a fascinating Bible-based and scripture-backed examination of demonic oppression, demonization, and possession. It’s a book that offers insight and empowerment to Christian believers and invaluable wisdom and guidance toward total victory for those who struggle with the very real issues of spiritual combat.
About the AuthorDr. Karl Payne received his Masters of Divinity and Doctorate of Ministry from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. For over 25 years, Dr. Payne has offered training on spiritual warfare through his discipleship and apologetics writings. He serves as Pastor of Leadership Development at Antioch Bible Church and is the founder of Transferrable Cross Training Foundation. He also serves as the Chaplain of the Seattle Seahawks.
For review copies of Spiritual Warfare, please contact:
CONTACT: Jackie Monaghan
(615) 646-5990
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
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Britannia Radio