Wednesday, 28 September 2011 06:50 'An activist said on condition of anonymity on Tuesday that Sheima Jastaniah was sentenced one day earlier by a Jeddah court, where she was caught driving in July, AFP reported. Wednesday, 28 September 2011 06:45 'Angry British students have disrupted a speech by the Princess Royal, Princess Anne at Edinburgh University in a protest against tripling of university tuition fees.The students were protesting against the university's decision to charge UK students from outside Scotland fees of £9,000 a year. The undergraduates will have to pay £36,000 for a four-year degree. The Princess was received by students with chants of “if you can afford a Princess, you can afford my degree” as she attempted to address staff and students at the university, The Daily Telegraph reported.' Read more: British Students Disrupt Princess Speech Tuesday, 27 September 2011 09:47 'More than 2,200 workers including council wardens, security guards and countryside rangers are being given the powers, through which they can levy fines of up to £80. The so-called Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS) was derided by senior Tories when in opposition, but the number of people empowered by the scheme has swollen by a third in the past year. Police and civil liberties campaigners have raised concerns over the accountability of civilians signed up to the scheme and the advance of Britain's surveillance state.' Tuesday, 27 September 2011 09:27 'Documents on Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants, commissioned at a cost of £165,000 to the taxpayer, were never published. It was claimed that Labour was worried that a damaging row would erupt over the five dossiers before last year’s General Election. Among the hidden details was the revelation that a quarter of migrants arriving from Bulgaria and Romania had low education levels, many had four or more children and were more likely to claim unemployment benefits than other immigrants. Tory ministers said this “disturbing cover-up” made a mockery of promises made by Gordon Brown and Tony Blair on migration.' Read more: Outrage At UK Coverup On Jobless Migrants
The activist added that Jastaniah “had refused to talk to media about her trial and we were shocked yesterday (Monday) that she was sentenced to 10 lashes.” Amnesty International (AI) has condemned the sentence, describing it as “discrimination against women in the kingdom.”'
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
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Britannia Radio