Friday, 9 September 2011

Scandal update: Bankrupt Obama-backed company raided by FBI today
"Something tells us the word 'Solyndra' will see precisely zero mentions in Obama's speech tonight..."

Top manager Tepper has moved to a big cash position
Now holding as much as 40% in cash and U.S. Treasurys...

A two-second way to understand the "End of America"
"Puts today's U.S. government debt mountain startlingly into context..."

Mainstream media caught in another outrageous Ron Paul lie
The all-out war on free markets and liberty continues...

How the world's largest hedge fund is up 25% this year while others are losing big
"At first, this appears unfathomable..."

Rick Santelli lastest must-see rant: Rips New York Times author over Social Security "ponzi scheme"
"You're idiotic..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux