Friday, 9 September 2011

Schaeuble and Baroin Seek ‘Broad Base’ for EU Transactions Tax

Friday, 9 September, 2011

The European Union’s planned tax on financial transactions should have a “broad base” covering equities, bonds, currencies and derivatives to ensure it can’t be evaded, the finance ministers of France and Germany said.

The levy should be imposed when at least one party to a trade is located in the EU, with territorial coverage in the region to be “as broad as legally permissible,” Germany’s Wolfgang Schaeuble and France’s Francois Baroin said in a joint letter to the European Commission published today.

France approves Greek bailout, ECB holds rates

Friday, 9 September, 2011 18:15

French lawmakers have approved their part of the latest eurozone bailout package for Greece - the first European country to do so. France's contribution will be 15 billion euros.,,15375044,00.html