Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Huhne’s Brass Neck

 Back to Spin School for Belardinelli-   cont

The spinning antics of Ed Balls’ minion Alex Belardinelli are a continual source of amusement in the Guy News room. Sometimes his cavalier attitude to the truth is outdone by a spectacularly poor effort. This morning he was tweeting about “the head of world’s biggest investment fund” saying the government “can and should change course” in a reference to PIMCO – the Pacific Investment Management Company. And who is their European chief? One Andrew Balls. Very much a relation. 

      Gove-Mail G-Mail

Miliband Opening Up Leadership Vote - Guardian
Huhne is the Real Energy Villan – RightMinds
Morley Out – Mail
Blair Advising Heir – Telegraph
Defend Tony Martin – Donal Blaney
Moran Banned Footpaths – The Olive Press
Banning Mephedrone Killed People – David Nutt
What the Kazoo? – Sky News
JFK Was a Tax-Cutting Headbanger – Fraser Nelson
Shouting Louder Won’t Win – Brian Monteith
The Clegg Coup – Mail
Lefties Should Not Forgive Johann – Tom Chivers
Ed Should Sack Balls – New Statesman
Michael Crick’s Unhappiness – Press Gazette