This Is a Crisis of Social Democracy – The Commentator
Moves to Oust Ken and Put In Johnson – LeftWatch
Order of the OTT for Shaun Woodward – CrashBangWallace
A Tea Party Invitation to Morgan Freeman – Ali A. Akbar
Osborne Says No Tobin Tax - Staggers
Yvette Might Just be Human – Quentin Letts
I Was Hacked Too – Kelvin MacKenzie
The Moral Case Against the 50p Tax - ASI
Fisking Ed – Charles Crawford
Ed Hit Himself With a Hammer – Dan Hodges
Had They Known They Would Have Booed Him – Christina Odone
Kerry the Missing MP – Simon Clark
Hemming’s Pussy Trial – Mail
A Suicidal Speech – The Commentator
The Star responds to Ed’s attacks on Big Brother:
“If he is really worried about a bunch of freaks being paraded on telly, he should sort his party out!”

I work my nuts off to pay very high levels of tax. My money then gets given to the son of a millionnaire, who uses my money to buy an Ipad. He then stands on a conference platform to tell me how evil I am.
Rory, give me my fucking Ipad back you ungrateful little shit.