The United Nations Made Simple
by Bill Levinson
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The ties that bind
By Yoram Ettinger, YNET
The suggestion that U.S.-Israel relations are deteriorating is derivative of baseless conventional wisdom, as reflected in a recent study by Haim Malka, the deputy director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
For example, conventional wisdom assumes that the recent turmoil on the Arab street has lowered Israel’s geo-strategic standing. However, the new Middle East disorder threatens the survival — and exposes the tenuous nature and reliability — of every Arab regime. It underscores Israel’s unique stability, credibility, capability and unconditional alliance with the U.S. Israel’s added value to the U.S. is further enhanced by the pending U.S. evacuation of Iraq and Afghanistan, which will shorten Washington’s strategic arm, possibly triggering an eruption of additional regional volcanoes.
While vital U.S. interests remain intact, they face intensified threats, deeper...
A Paradigm Shift on the Palestinian Question
Today FPM posted an interview of Nisan under the title Only Israel West of the River. I previously reviewed the book in July. Ted Belman
by Mordechai Nisan, FrontPageMag
The Palestinian initiative to declare an independent state through United Nations authorization is a prescription for crisis, and opportunity. Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas?, having set in motion a political campaign whose fate is hazardous, decided that diplomatic confrontation with Israel is a more effective method than political negotiations to advance Palestinian interests.
The Palestinians never really understood, and could never agree, why they should have to engage in protracted talks in order to get what they believe to be theirs by national right. That Israel should withdraw from all of the post-1967 territories was always an absolute tenet of conviction, and not just a policy demand. It was humiliating for the Palestinians to banter and barter for liberation and statehood, which Israel...
New Labor Head: Fiery Populist, Wary Diplomat
Labour will thus be to the right of Kadima and could become a coalition partner with the Right. But if you add up the seats as polled you get about 52 seats between Kadima, Labour and Meretz. Throw in the Arab parties and they have a majority.
By J.J. Goldberg, The Forward
The Israel Labor Party chose a new leader in a primary runoff on Tuesday. The winner, Shelly Yacimovich, is a former television news anchor whom polls show to have the most realistic chance of leading the battered party back to major-party status after a decade of what has seemed like terminal decline.
Yacimovich (ya-khee-MO-vitch) is a fiery, sometimes abrasive personality best known for her strong economic populism. She’s considered a moderate on the Palestinian issue, especially after an August Haaretz interview in which she infuriated the left by opposing boycotts and demonization of the settlements.
The latest polls show that Labor under her leadership would win 22 seats in the 120-member Knesset right...
The silence of American Jewish leaders
Traditionally, Diaspora Jewish leaders speak up on behalf of Israel, frequently even taking the lead on issues in which geopolitical considerations made it problematic for the Jewish state to be engaged. Examples abound: the plight of Soviet Jewry, the campaign to rescind the UN resolution equating Zionism with racism, the World Jewish Congress exposure of Kurt Waldheim as a war criminal and, more importantly, achieving restitution for Jewish assets plundered by the Nazis from various bodies including the Swiss banks and insurance companies.
However, with the erosion of cabinet solidarity after the Rabin era, the intimate relationship which existed between Diaspora Jewish communities and the Israeli government and its ambassadors rapidly deteriorated.
In stark contrast to former charismatic leaders like David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin and even Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is inclined to release trial balloons to test the waters of public opinion...
The new anti-establishment, establishment.
National Conference on Jewish Affairs
Contact: Dr. Herbert I. London
Lori Lowenthal Marcus (610) 664-1184
Beth Gilinsky (212) 726-1124
New York, September 18, 2011 – In response to the silence, once again, of the major Jewish organizations in the face of increasingly outrageous and dangerous attacks against Israel and the Jewish community, Jewish leaders and organizations from across America have united to create a new umbrella leadership organization.
The National Conference on Jewish Affairs (NCJA) is addressing significant issues of concern to the Jewish community in stark contrast to the failure to lead and lethargy of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, and most establishment Jewish officials. In addition to taking the actions and making the statements that are necessary, the NCJA will also expose and confront Jewish organizations and leaders who are enabling and...
Obama caves at UN
By Ted Belman
Obama came through for Israel at the UN. The primary message of his speech was that the PA cannot bypass negotiations and must compromise. He did not even mention that negotiations should be based on ’67 lines nor did he mention east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Nor did he mention settlements. No more daylight between US and Israel.
Herb Keinon of JPOST wrote a great analysis.
“Let us be honest with ourselves: Israel is surrounded by neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it,” Obama said. “Israel’s citizens have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on their buses. Israel’s children come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them. Israel, a small country of less than eight million people, looks out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map. The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution, and fresh...
Democrat Apologizes to Muslims
Laura: Illinois Democrat Congressman Mike Quigley apologizes on behalf of America to an islamic group. This is so beyond revolting. This pathetic dhimmi does not speak for me or the overwhelming majority of Americans. What sort of mental illness causes liberals
to identify with the enemy? This is among the numerous reasons while I will
never vote for a democrat again.If America was truly discriminating, those jihadists who massacred 3000 Americans on 9/11 would never have been allowed to enter this country in the first place. They would never have been allowed to roam freely around this country, go to flight school or board those airplanes. If America discriminated, the Fort Hood jihadist who murdered 13 soldiers would have never been allowed in the army and remain there even after he lectured about how it was the duty of muslims to murder American soldiers. No, the problem is that America does not discriminate. We have open borders where anyone is allowed in, regardless of...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel