Unloading Bad Baggage: Hypnotic States of Americans
Shortly after the illegal swearing in of Obama/Soetoro, I referenced a piece titled, Obama's use of hypnotic technique during his speeches. I read the entire 60 page document and in my mind, it was the only thing that could account for what I saw with massive crowds reacting to someone I saw as a dead soul. Like Condeleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney to name a few. When I looked at Obama/Soetoro's eyes, they were flat, empty, evil. There is much evil in this world, although too many......
by Devvy Kidd
Efficient and Effective Deregulation
The federal bureaucracy is anathema to free enterprise and liberty in no small part because it operates through the use of prior restraints. Prior restraints impose blanket bans on means that frequently are innocuous, lacking an unlawful aspect, but may be a foundational act in what becomes an illegal enterprise. One effective means of liberating the market from burdensome restraints is to prohibit the bureaucracy by statute from.....
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
A "Bold New World" and "Forces Too Powerful," Part 1
Whenever someone asks for evidence of a secret plan to undermine national sovereignty, the question invariably arises as to who are the elite behind the plan. In that regard, the Toynbee paper quoted above was read at the 4th Annual Conference of Institutions for the Scientific Study of International Relations. Twelve countries were represented along with delegates from 4 international organizations, and the Conferences were initiated by the League of Nations Institute for Intellectual Cooperation. National Coordinating.....
by Dennis Cuiddy, Ph.D
America’s culpability in 9/11
In 1993, Muslims tried to bomb the World Trade Towers at the basement level. They failed while bin Laden again warned us to leave Muslim lands. We still didn’t listen in 1993. We do not listen in 2011 at what costs to our young men and women? Answer: 4,200 American soldier (kids) deaths and 42,000 maimed......
by Frosty Wooldridge