September 28, 2011
Reading the Tea Leaves
by Guy Rodgers,
Executive Director
ACT! for America |  |
Dear Harold,
Consider the following news items.
| 1) | A recent nationwide poll, jointly conducted by two veteran pollsters, a Democrat and a Republican, found that over 76% of respondents DISAPPROVE of U.S. courts applying sharia law. The poll also found that 68% oppose the Ground Zero Mosque.
| | 2) | Ten Muslim students were found guilty of disrupting the speech of the Israeli ambassador to the United States. The ambassador had been invited to speak at the University of California-Irvine last year, when these Muslim students, in a pre-planned, orchestrated effort, attempted to shout him down. ACT! for America chapter leaders and members in California bombarded the university with phone calls and emails demanding action be taken against the students and the Muslim Student Union, which organized the disruption.
The jury rejected arguments for the students that this obnoxious effort to shut down free speech was free speech protected by our Constitution.
The leader of CAIR-Los Angeles (pictured at right) called the Muslim students “true American heroes” and falsely alleged in a press release that the students were “a target of heavy-handed prosecution.” On his blog site he defends sharia law in a video. CAIR’s true agenda shines through again.
| | 3) | In an article in the August 29th edition of The Washington Times Weekly Edition, Saeed Khan attacked legislation proposed in Michigan titled “American Laws for American Courts.” This is the legislation ACT! for America has successfully gotten passed in Tennessee and Arizona that prohibits courts from using foreign law, and by extension sharia law, in certain areas of law.
 | | Khan, a lecturer at Wayne State University in Detroit, claimed that Muslim-Americans have become an “easy target” by Americans who “fear” minorities. In doing so he made this astonishing statement: “To call someone the ‘M-word’ [Muslim] has replaced the old ‘N-word.’” |
This is in the same vein as the Muslim state representative in Michigan who made the outrageous and dishonest claim that support of “American Laws for American Courts” is “racism at its core.”
This in spite of the fact that a moderate Muslim coalition has come out in support of “American Laws for American Courts” and the law protects Muslim women from the discriminatory nature of sharia law.
| | 4) | At a recent CAIR conference in Chicago, one of CAIR’s leaders told the participants that CAIR is raising money to fight “American Laws for American Courts” wherever it is introduced. |
What does all of this mean? What do the “tea leaves” tell us?
I first discussed this in an email three few weeks ago. These recent developments tell us that we are witnessing a measureable shifting of the tide. The American people are gradually awakening, becoming aware of threats associated with radical Islam, notably sharia law. What’s more, they are increasingly ignoring the bogus allegations of “racism,” “Islamophobia,” and “intolerance.”
Our opposition sees what is happening. But since they can’t rebut the factual information we and others are putting out about sharia and radical Islam, they are left to play the only card they have been playing—name calling. This is why they have ramped up their invective and are ranting and raving even more hysterically than they have in the past.
We are in the middle of a slow but sure seismic change, a seismic shift compared to where our nation was four years ago, when I joined ACT as Executive Director. This is the shift we have been working so hard to bring about. And while it doesn’t mean we’ve “won,” it DOES mean we have seized the momentum.
Our efforts going into the 2012 state legislative sessions have never been more important or more timely. The issue is simple.
Will we be able to fully capitalize on this seismic shift in public opinion, or will the savage propaganda attacks leveled at us by CAIR, its allies and enablers, blunt our momentum?
We are nearing the end of our fall Patriot Partner campaign, and we still have a ways to go to reach our goal of 400 new Patriot Partners. If you are not already a Patriot Partner, and you are able to support us with a $19 gift each month, please click here and select the $19 Patriot Partner level.
When you do, we’ll ship you our new resource, “Unmasking the Enemy Among Us: Information Warfare and the Muslim Brotherhood.” (Click the image below to see a two minute clip from the DVD.)
 | | Please help us reach our goal so that we can fully execute our state legislative plan for 2012 and aggressively combat the avalanche of misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda that is going to be hurled at us by our opponents who are desperate to stop our plan in its tracks. |
Thank you!
Yours for a safe and free America,
 Guy Rodgers