Thursday, 8 September 2011

The musings of a freeborn Englishman who is totally disenchanted with the

dictorial attitude that poses as democracy.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

You couldn't make it up! (2)

William Hague has today outlined his vision for the future of the Foreign

Office in a speech in London

one with most commendable aims -

if only we were a self-governing nation. Hague states:

"The most important responsibility of any Foreign Secretary is make the right judgement about the most urgent challenges in foreign policy and tirelessly to promote the national interest."

But as I explained yesterday, in certain areas he cannot.

He continues that he is re-opening embassies around the world, yet this is the man who

managed to absent himself from the vote in the House of Commons

agreeing to the European External Action Service under the auspices of which the EU

intends to open up their own embassies around the world.

This is the man who, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, qualifies for the description of the unspeakable in support of the unelected.

This is the man who, when Leader of his party, asked the country to come with him as he intended to give the people their country back

This is the man who said about a Prime Minister:

"For this man's whole political approach has been to parrot the language of Conservatives;

to pretend that he understood what Margaret Thatcher had achieved and why Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock were so wrong.

[..] A Prime Minister who has the brass neck to stand before his Party Conference vowing to set the people free while at the same time centralising power, increasing taxes and undermining personal responsibility [..]

The man is a fraud.

Anyone who so misunderstands or so wilfully distorts who we are as a people or where we come from as a nation cannot possibly know where we should go to next as a people and as a nation.

For this was the speech of a man who is embarrassed about where he came from, and the country he lives in, and the century he was born in and the Party he leads.

Most of all it was the speech of a man who is embarrassed by the opinions of the people who elected him.

Embarrassed by their patriotism and their fierce independence and their pride in Britain. He thinks patriotism is uncool and independence is out of date and pride is undignified."

No, Hague was not describing David Cameron - but he might just as well have been......

William Hague ended his speech thus:

"And so I say to the people of Britain:

if you believe that our country is unique in the world but is in danger of losing its identity;

if you believe that Britain is a place where you should be rewarded for doing the right thing, but now you are penalised for it;

if you believe in Britain as a healthy democracy, but that the standards of democracy are now being tarnished and diminished;

if you believe in Britain as a country where the law is enforced and respected, but that now it is not respected enough;

if you believe in Britain as a country that will work with its neighbours but never submit to being governed by anyone else;

if you believe in an independent Britain.Then come with me, and I will give you back your country." (My emphasis)

Of course we now know that to follow Hague, his Leader and his party means that there is no point in going with them as we will never, ever, get our country back.

Oh, the ability to sleep soundly at night knowing that you are a politician of honour and principle.......


kenomeat said...
These extracts from his 1999 speech should be copied a thousand times and placed on the seats in the conference hall and pinned on every notice board at the Tory conference.