Thursday, 29 September 2011

You Serve the God You See
Stop right there. Don’t read any farther than this paragraph. Close your eyes and imagine a picture of Jesus. Do it now. I’ll wait. What did you see? What image did the thought of Jesus conjure up in your mind? This isn’t a game…or a mind exercise…it is critically important. It speaks volumes about the way you live your life......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

A Fort Worth School Scandal
The teacher initiates a discussion of “homosexuality and religion in Germany,” and you turn to the kid at the desk behind you and remark that “being a homosexual is wrong.” Crash! The roof falls in on you. The teacher goes ballistic, yelling at you that men kissing men, etc., is now “the way it is” and “you’d better learn to accept it.” You are a “bully” for believing homosexuality is wrong; but the teacher is allowed to say that Christianity is....
by Lee Duigon

Immigration's Onslaught: Overloaded Nations and Failing States
In the blink of 24 years, America will add 75 million legal immigrants to our shores. They arrive from failed states like Somalia, Ethiopia, India, Mexico and Indonesia. If you don't think we're in trouble—I seize this opportunity to bring your attention to other specialists who understand our situation. They've seen what I've seen. They know what I know. They understand: when you 'see' it, you comprehend it. Until you have seen it, you can......
by Frosty Wooldridge