The word around Brussels is that the euro-elite thought the EU was in line to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, I know: all one can say is, 'Huh?' Yet it seems seems that José Manuel Barroso, Herman Van Rompuy and the rest fancied the EU deserved the prize for keeping Europe at peace for 50 years. At which point 'Huh?' becomes disgust. This 'the EU kept the peace for 50 years' lie is being used by euro-ideologues in their efforts to re-write history. (If you have school-age children, better check their school books to see just how far this lie has seeped into their curriculum.) A cut-in-half, fully-occupied Germany was not going to invade anybody. Yet the Brussels propaganda pushers want you to believe that the last half-century of peace in Europe has all been down to the European Commission and the rest of the Brussels cartel. There indeed could have been war in Europe, but it would have been between America and a Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc, not between de-populated France and bombed out, humiliated Germany. During the Cold War, the Common Market had nothing to do with stopping America and the USSR fighting WWII, part 2: whatever has stopped war in Europe these last 50 years, it for sure has not been the massed ranks of the Common Agricultural Policy. More, since the Cold War ended, the gutless reluctance of most European countries, especially France and Germany, to spend money on building effective national fighting forces means that the riots in Athens are now about as much of a European ground war as most members of the EU could actually mount. Yesterday the Conservative MEP Kay Swinburne was at the Open Europe debate at the party conference in Manchester, warning about how there was a climate of ‘hostility’ towards Britain in Brussels. First note to Swinburne: ‘Warning’ about such a climate? Why would any British Conservative warn against hostility towards Britain in Brussels? Hostility from euro fanatics should be taken as a badge of honour, not a cause for concern. Then – and this is where we know the Tories really, really don’t get it – Swinburne suggested that to counter this hostility the Government should try to increase the number of British civil servants at the European Commission. This is a line David Cameron has taken before: he says that the UK should try to up the number of British eurocrats because they would be more likely to steer things the UK’s way. Except they wouldn’t. Serving in the commission is like serving in the Harem of the Seraglio: first qualification is to turn yourself into a national eunuch. There are no ‘British’ serving in the EU institutions, only ‘Europeans.’ I heard it again just last week at one of the daily press briefings at the commission. A journalist asked one of the spokesmen about the move by the commission to take increased powers over the budgets of eurozone states. The reporter asked how it could be that a British commissioner would then be able to vote on eurozone budgets, even though the UK was not a member of the eurozone. Dead right there’s not. Any Brit who wants to serve in that palace of delights has to agree to have his Union Jacks cut off at the door. You've already read it on the news pages, but I wonder if you've spotted the puzzle: the Greek government has confirmed it will miss its 2011 deficit projections, and GDP will fall by over 5 percent this year and by 2.5 percent next year. The news has rattled the financial markets. Got it? The puzzle is why the markets were in anyway surprised by any of that: of course the deficit projections have been missed, and of course the GDP will go on falling. That is all that could happen in Greece under the EU regime of extreme forced deflation. What else were the markets expecting from Athens -- fiscal rectitude and growth while the world heads into recession and Greece is trapped in a deadly currency union? So, to save his country's 'credibility' in the eyes of the ideolologues of Brussels -- because heaven knows he is not saving its credibility in the eyes of international investors -- Papandreou is willing to oversee the destruction of his country's economy. It's getting spooky, as if the man's brain has been taken over and reprogrammed by a cult. What he needs to say is: 'Enough of this torture. Time to leave the euro.' At least, that is what Charles Dumas of Lombard Street Research is saying this morning, and I'd say he is dead right: 'How long before the malignant euro-fanatics give up on the nightmare of a unified Europe? Most previous attempts to unify Europe have led to mass murder. It is time for Euroland authorities to return to reality and give up their deluded visions, rather than torture Greeks.'07 October 2011 1:48 PM
The EU peddles the big lie: 'We secured the last 50 years of peace'
The patheticTories: they still hope Brussels will learn to love them
Time to stop torturing Greeks
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Mention is never made in this new history of the Nato forces, in particular of the British Army of the Rhine -- those are British Chieftain tanks on the left, rolling through Berlin -- that made sure after 1945 there was going to be no more war starting up between France and Germany; nor indeed that Germany was for most of the last 50 years divided, with Soviet power and the East German communist dictatorship controlling the German Democratic Republic.
The Tories still don’t get it, and in so many ways.
There was an icy pause from the podium, then a statement of official policy: ‘There is no UK
representative in the commission.’
There is another puzzle, too, and that is why the Greek prime minister can only look at the suffering of his country under the Brussels-enforced scheme and instead of rebelling and saying ''Enough!' he just goes on with the abasement of his nation. He looks at the ruin of debt, unemployment, and misery his country's agreement to 'save the euro' has brought, yet all he can say is: 'We will be unswerving in our goal: to fulfill all that we have promised to ensure the credibility of our country.'
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