National Pledge for Unity on Israel Brig. Gen., Retired, MK Dr. Arieh Eldad was the head of the burn unit at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem during the height of the Intifada. In 2007, he said: “The two-state-solution is dead. The Palestinians never wanted it. If they did they would have had an independent state as early as 1948. Israelis understand that any land given over to Arabs serves only as the next terror base against Israel.” [1] Prof. MK Yuval Steinitz, an active member of Peace Now before Oslo and a former chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said in September 2008: “The idea of a two-state solution should be dead, today, because unfortunately a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria would bring about Israel's demise... immediately become an outpost for Iran." "I felt that what we did was a terrible mistake [signing on to the Oslo Accords in 1993] … I realized that, to my frustration, we were giving up land for war and terror and incitement." As the Palestinians continued with their anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric, he worried that "instead of a demilitarized Palestinian state we might end up with a militarized Palestinian state in the center of the country." Steinitz said that the only reason Qassem rockets had not been fired at the center of the country or at Ben-GurionInternational Airport was because Israel had a military presence in the West Bank. When President Mahmoud Abbas (THE MODERATE!) hugged Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar, the man who killed three people in Nahariya, including a four-year-old girl, it showed Steinitz that Abbas was no different than former PA leader Yasser Arafat.[2] Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon said in April, 2010: "Those who want to continue the Oslo process, who want us to continue to give and give and give, without a Palestinian willingness to recognize our right to a national home, are cooperating with the phased plans for Israel's destruction."[3] Sources: [1] [2] ADL RESPONDS TO CRITICISM OF THE ADL-AJC UNITY PLEDGE ON ISRAEL New York, NY, October 25, 2011 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said some groups had distorted its call with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) for a national bipartisan consensus on Israel as an attempt to stifle criticism of the Obama Administration. The League today made clear that was “not intended to discourage raising questions about a candidate’s support for Israel” as some groups, including the Republican Jewish Coalition and the Emergency Coalition for Israel, have charged. Rather, the purpose of the pledge is “to put Israel ahead of politics” while “avoiding harsh and personal rhetoric or tactics in the form of attacks on political opponents’ positions on Israel.” Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement: There has been some distortion of our announcement of the ADL-AJC "National Pledge for Unity on Israel." The pledge is not intended to discourage raising questions about a candidate's support for Israel or the policy decisions of the current administration regarding Israel. In fact, ADL has been outspoken in questioning and even criticizing U.S. policies and positions toward Israel during the last three years. We will continue to raise concerns about those policies and positions when we believe it is warranted, just as we will be supportive when we feel that is appropriate. In the best tradition of American political debate we strongly encourage measured and thoughtful expressions of different points of view regarding U.S. policy toward Israel. What prompted ADL and AJC to launch this initiative was a desire to ask participants in the political discourse to avoid harsh and personal rhetoric or tactics in the form of attacks on political opponents' positions on Israel. Our principal concern in calling for the pledge is to put Israel ahead of politics to reinforce the broad-based support of the American people for Israel and to project it as bipartisan whenever possible.
“If there is one thing candidates for high office, and people of all political stripes can agree on, it is the importance of the long tradition of bipartisan support for our friend and ally, Israel,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. Absolutely correct. Then, why haven’t both parties been critical of President Obama and his obscene behavior towards Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Jewish State? Why have the vast majority of Democrats been silent since January, 2009?
“We want the discourse on U.S. support for Israel to avoid the sometimes polarizing debates and political attacks that have emerged in recent weeks, as candidates have challenged their opponents’ pro-Israel bone fides or questioned the current administration’s foreign policy approach vis-à-vis Israel,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. Apparently, we have a case in which the Foxman is guarding the henhouse. It is not the job of the supporters of Israel to foster a civil election season; rather, it is our obligation (and, especially, your organizations' responsibility) to ensure full and complete disclosure of the candidates -- especially, when some of them have advocated polices that would put Israel and the Jewish people at severe risk.“The last thing America and Israel need right now is the distractions of having Israel bandied about as a tool for waging political attacks.” A distraction? I see: We should refrain from educating the American people as to candidates' anti-Israel positions and actions (which, by the way, happen to counter American values and its best interests); we should not stand out.
At this point in the press release, the ADL directs people to its website to sign a ridiculous "pledge" endorsing this absurd and dangerous behavior.
America’s friendship with Israel is an emotional, moral and strategic bond that has always transcended politics. Support for Israelhas never been merely a plank in a Republican or Democratic Party or candidate’s platform. It is a core American policy that serves our nation’s most fundamental national interests.Which is why, when we see the President of the United States or other candidates consistently following a path that diverges from the American people's wishes and our nation's best interests with regard to Israel, we are obligated to speak out about the frightening development. And, we must ensure that the man or woman elected on November 6, 2012 will once again respect and value Israel and support the State of Israel as a core American policy.Indeed, for the past six decades, every American President and Congressional leaders in both parties have championed the shared values and outlook that bind the two nations. The binding of the two nations does not include the humiliation of the leader of one of those nations by the other, and the use of extreme coercion to force that same nation to make suicidal agreements with people whose goals are the same as the Nazis and whose agenda is to commit another Holocaust by working every day to destroy Israel.
This broad bipartisan backing has been vital to America’s interests and to Israel’s security throughout decades of war and a constant struggle for survival. We salute the long line of American leaders who have moved beyond their often bitter policy differences over issues of the day to stand shoulder to shoulder together on the side of a strong and enduring U.S.-Israel relationship. If this is so, why do we need a pledge? Is this bipartisan backing so fragile that it could shatter from everyday political discussion? Something is amiss.
The Jewish community has had a strong interest in ensuring that American support for Israel is one of the critical strategic issues that unites rather than divides parties and officials. U.S. – Israel friendship should never be used as a political wedge issue. Israel can not become a wedge issue in the upcoming election -- the President's policies and actions regarding Israel is already the wedge much so, that he is creating a wedge within his own party! At a time when Israel is confronting new dangers and challenges in a fast changing Middle East, the United States must continue to project to the world the solid support of the American people and their elected representatives for Israel’s rights and quest for peace and security.Yes. U.S. leadership in the efforts to achieve an agreement resolving the conflict that results in two states—the Jewish state of Israel and a Palestinian state, living side by side in peaceful coexistence—is more critical than ever. There already is a Jewish state and a “Palestinian” state living side by side in peaceful co-existence – Israel and Jordan! The establishment of a second “Palestinian” state would surely cause the destruction of the tiny and sole Jewish one! Here is what four esteemed Members of the Knesset (Israel's Parliament) have said about the two-state "solution."
“Barack Hussein Obama adopted Yasser Arafat’s staged plan for Israel’s destruction, and he is trying to force it on our prime minister,” Likud MK Danny Danon said today [May 19, 2011]. “All that was new in the speech was that he called for Israel to return to 1967 borders without solving the crisis. Netanyahu has only one option: Tell Obama to forget about it.”[4]
Abraham H. Foxman
National Director, Anti-Defamation League
David A. Harris,
Executive Director, American Jewish Committee
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 28 October 2011
From Buddy Macy
At a time when Americans should be probing the positions, attitudes and prospective policies of all of the Presidential candidates, the heads of two national Jewish organizations are urging these same candidates to limit the discourse on U.S. support for Israel, including the questioning of "the current administration’s foreign policy approach vis-à-vis Israel", because it could become "polarizing." We are obliged to expose hostile candidates now, rather than after they get elected, in order to prevent a potential horrific tragedy for America and Israel. The campaign process is designed to educate the public and strengthen the character of the Presidential aspirants.
The "National Pledge for Unity on Israel", and its promotion by ADL and AJC, are an affront to the American Jewish community, and to democracy, itself.
What follows is the Introduction and Pledge with my comments highlighted in blue:
AJC, ADL Co-Sponsor National Pledge Calling for Unity on Israel
New York, NY, October 19, 2011... The American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have joined together to encourage other national organizations, elected officials, religious leaders, community groups and individuals to join them in signing the “National Pledge for Unity on Israel.” This initiative aims to quash any and all criticism of President Obama and his Administration’s anti-Israel policies and actions in order to get Obama re-elected in 2012. rally bipartisan support for Israel while preventing the Jewish State from becoming a wedge issue in the upcoming campaign season.
It seems to me I remember hearing about Jewish “leaders” in the 1930’s and 40’s, and their desire to not stand out and make a scene…while 6,000,000 of their brethren were being murdered in Europe. I guess we’re lucky that history never repeats itself, right?
In an ever-changing world, the enduring friendship between the United States and Israel has been a constant, supported overwhelmingly by the American people since the founding of the Jewish State. Americans from across the political spectrum consistently identify with and care deeply about Israel. Thank G-d and the American people that this has been the case.
Now is the time to reaffirm that Israel’s well-being is best served, as it has always been, by American voices raised together in unshakeable support for our friend and ally. Now, if we can only get President Obama to sign on!
I urge everyone to ignore the AJC/ADL pledge and continue to seek the truth from all of the Presidential candidates regarding Israel (and every other issue). Please share this with everyone on your list(s). Thank you so much. Buddy
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Despite what is written in the ADL's announcement of 10/25/11, it is apparent that we (RJC, ECI and I) did not distort the meaning of AJC/ADL's press release, which contained both the Unity Pledge on Israel, as well as the introduction to the pledge.
Although I strongly disagree with Mr. Harris regarding his support of the suicidal two-state "solution", I applaud his writing skills. David Harris would not have written something that would have generated such a distortion of intent in the eyes and minds of its readers. (I am more familiar with the work of Mr. Harris than I am with that of Mr. Foxman, but I assume that Mr. Foxman's writing skills are polished, as well.) David Harris and Abe Foxman meant to convey what we understood them to mean.
In my email response to the AJC/ADL press release, I included the entire text of the AJC/ADL document, with the exception of the direct reference to the website containing the pledge. You may see my point-by-point critique of the document in (Part 1 of 3), above. I invite Mr. Harris and Mr. Foxman to inform me as to the section(s) of my reply which distort(s) the intent of the original documents.
Buddy Macy
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Britannia Radio