Arrogant White Liberal Tells Herman Cain How To Be Black
Watching MSNBC white host Lawrence O'Donnell chastising black presidential candidate Herman Cain for not participating in the 1960s civil rights movement infuriated me. O'Donnell accused Cain of cowardly sitting on the sidelines while blacks and whites marched and protested for black civil rights. How dare this white guy who does not have a clue what it was like to be black in America in the 1960s attack a black person for not responding to racism the way he thinks he should have responded......
by Lloyd Marcus
Jobs Well Done
This final opportunity for Moses to obey God carried a special quality which it wouldn’t have possessed if there would be countless future such opportunities. If great wine cost a dollar a bottle, it would soon lose its specialness. The value of any limitless commodity is zero. Without death, there can ultimately be no life. A life lived forever would be diminished and perhaps this is exactly what Steve Jobs meant in June 2005. The words he uttered resonate. This is why Sukkot, the holyday of joy, must contain........
Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Part 23
The Christian ministers of the late 1600’s and early 1700’s were not weak preachers that we see today. They stood their ground under all conditions unrelenting in their fight for justice and resisting encroachments on the civil and religious liberties that they had helped secure. As an example of their willingness to fight for the rights and liberties that they helped establish an instance arose where the crown appointed.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis