In this latest installment of his remarkable series of books of alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell outlines the consistent pattern and strategy of bankers in ancient and modern times, and their desire to suppress the public development of alternative physics and energy technologies, usurp the money creating and issuing power of the state, and substitute a facsimile of money-as-debt. Here, Farrell peels back the layers of deception to reveal the possible deep physics that the “banksters” have used to aid them in their financial policies. Feral House also published Farrell’s Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter.Book Description
About the Author
In this one, he skips to a subject deep on our minds, or at least a lot of our minds: Money, where it comes from, whence it vanished, and all that. How does money relate to Ancient Religions, Black Ops (still alchemy, but the deep physics kind) and guys with names like A. Hitler and A. Lincoln?
Believe it, they do. Farrell insists this book is an intro, with no agenda to connect every dot possible, but with the cascade of current events proving with no additional help that our "financial system" is crackers, the dots come pre-connected and BABYLON'S BANKSTERS now provides a sort of tourist guide for the deeply peeved and perplexed.
Oddly, the one thread in the book (Nazi Germany) that has provided the most eerie material previously is almost redundant here. Hitler's inspiration for the Reich's flipping the bird to the international "banksters" (Banker + Gangster) was clearly Abraham Lincoln and his greenbacks, and despite Farrell's linkage of Hitler's finance with Germany's Nazi-era skunk works, the basic point was the same.
Money serving the work of citizens means money that is government issued to expand with growth, not tote up the debt to insane levels, which private bankers insist upon. The US Federal Reserve is doing to the USA what Weimer did to Germany and the result will be roughly the same EXCEPT the USA already has nukes. When the USA splits into factions the nukes will be used. If Gettysburg was bad in the 1860s, wait till the modern glow-in-the-dark version.
As grim as this may seem, it all fits well with the fact that the end of World War II was neither rational nor neat. The establishment of the Post-WWII security state in the USA and elsewhere appear now as almost total frauds. Germany was defeated in 1945, 65 years ago. Why are US troops still there? To stop Russia? From doing what? During much of the later Cold War, bankers were loaning money to the USSR for better rates than any American could get. Farrell's book makes you realize there was plenty going on subrosa, and all the hidden (occult?) shenanigans of the Post War years are bubbling up to the surface right now.
Farrell's real feat here is to put what is going on in front of us into a unique, but usable and readable, perspective. As things are speeding up as I write, it's very likely the value of this book will go up. More awareness may mean more intelligent dealing with the fallout of the economic disasters befalling us. Put that way, guidebooks like BABYLON'S BANKSTERS may help move the world toward saner and better economic decisions. We can hope anyway.
This is one of his best books yet. He deftly connects the dots of banking, physics, music, sociology, economics, politics, and astrology in a remarkable piece of detective work. Sherlock Holmes would be proud.
I have come to the conclusion, through my own decades of research, that there exists some sort of hidden group of highly influential, highly secretive people who have been manipulating human culture for at least thousands of years. The evidence is amazingly clear for those who look for the signs. I came to this research from a totally different angle than Farrell (and others), but it is interesting how one ends up in the same place looking at the same people.
Farrell traces the use of money, banking, credit, and debt from historical sources back thousands of years to Egypt and Babylon (and beyond, actually). The existence of a powerful, secretive, multinational cartel of "bullion brokers" who control the mining, smelting and minting of gold and silver is quite clearly demonstrated, and their influence on politics, war, finance, religion, and science, even to this day, is made obvious.
While this book is intended to be more an overview of the subject than Farrell's usual tour de force, he still includes plenty of references and citations to allow the reader further research. As it is, the book is a page-turner that heaps one fascinating fact after another onto the gameboard, and leaves one anxious to get to the next page and see where this all may lead. He ties it all neatly into some very powerful insights about our recent past and current predicaments.
I was particularly interested in the sections where he ties in the studies of economic cycles and radio interference problems neatly into astrology. I have studied astrology and worked with a professional astrologer, and know that many more people in business and politics use it than will publicly admit. I dropped the study some time ago because I felt that astrology, like many such mystery school remnants, were mere fragments of a lost science, patched together like some Cargo Cult replica, and did not function reliably. Farrell provides some nice work on tying some of those loose ends together with modern physics and his other discoveries, which he refers to as "paleophysics" - lost science of an Ancient High Civilization.
One other interesting thing is that I got this when I was about halfway through Marjorie Kelly's "Divine Right of Capital," another eye-opening book which reveals the completely fraudulent nature of the stock market and other corporate schemes. The two books together made quite a one-two punch of paradigm busting.
If you like Farrell's other work, then you will love this. If you are not familiar with his other work, then some of the material will leave you with questions that will have to be answered by reading his previous books. (Which I heartily recommend anyway.)
Get this and read it now. You will learn a great deal about what is happening in the world now and why.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Joseph P. Farrell was born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. His early placement in an accelerated mathematics program continued until college when he received a PhD in Patristics from the University of Oxford. He has published a dozen carefully-followed books, and often appears on Coast to Coast and other programs with large audiences.
Farrell VS the New World Order, May 5, 2010
Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion (Paperback)
Joe Farrell has written three books about the Great Pyramid and several more about the Dark Physics involved with post-World War II black ops. ("Black" in this case referring to Alchemy and the perverse uses it can be applied to.)98 of 103 people found the following review helpful:
Farrell at this best, May 8, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion (Paperback)
While I like all of Farrell's work, where I feel he really shines is in ferreting out hidden connections and subtle clues in history. His grasp of science, physics in particular, far exceeds most historians, academics, and others who research history's hidden side.46 of 50 people found the following review helpful:
Babylon's Banksters Nails It!, May 28, 2010
This review is from: Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion (Paperback)
I couldn't put the book down. You know how you recognize the Truth when you hear it? Very little in this book left me wondering or confused. It was very clear and made perfect sense. We are not free. We are victims of hidden crimes against humanity. The book describes how a banking class of "people", separate from us, controls and manipulates much of mankind through deception and monetized debt. If what Mr. Farrel wrote is true, then it all makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, everything we have been taught to believe is true makes it difficult to accept. What the book describes is disturbing but no more disturbing that what we are told by mainstream media which makes little sense. We really do need to stop referring to corporate propaganda as news and stop being fooled. I liked that it made much of what I never understood clear, no matter how disturbing it might be, but it also gave me hope. These banksters' criminal activities can not continue once exposed, and people are catching on. These criminals have made too many enemies in the World to get away with what they have been doing for much longer, and they have reportedly been doing it far too long. They are finally becoming exposed and are on the defensive. It is authors like Mr. Farrel and books like this that make a bright future possible. We need to audit the FED so these "banksters" will be exposed and Justice can be served upon them. I hope you will read this book and share what you learn from it.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewso
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