Sunday, 9 October 2011

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Cameron’s sudden zeal for adoption misses the point

The real scandal remains the ever-increasing number of children taken from their parents, arguesChristopher Booker.

08 Oct 2011

We shouldn’t let our councils cheat us out of £25 billion a year

Councils now make as much money out of extra charges as they do from the council tax, revealsChristopher Booker.

08 Oct 2011

The EU dream has turned into a nightmare

The euro project was always based on a colossal act of make-believe - and now it is unravelling, saysChristopher Booker.

01 Oct 2011

How bailiffs reap the fraudulent rewards of their 'phantom visits'

Charges for bailiffs' visits that are never made may be costing businesses and householders tens of millions of pounds, writes Christopher Booker.

24 Sep 2011

Police show themselves once again at the beck and call of social workers

The latest disturbing developments in the case of a family who are battling to retrieve their six children, byChristopher Booker.

24 Sep 2011

Couple denied legal help while lawyers make £1m removing their children

Their English is poor, they are reduced to tears by their inability to understand what is going on in court, yet they are denied help in presenting their case, writes Christopher Booker.

17 Sep 2011

The Euro Titanic is sinking but there's no lifeboat for Britain

Talk of 'loosening ties' with the European Union is a delusion, writesChristopher Booker.

17 Sep 2011

Wind farms: monuments to lunacy

These pointless monstrosities will continue to proliferate until the Government sees sense, laments Christopher Booker.

10 Sep 2011

The lights may go out in Germany even sooner than in Britain

Germany's energy policy looks like a disaster in the making, says Christopher Booker.

03 Sep 2011