Sunday, 16 October 2011

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


The courts continue to deny rights to stolen children

Children are regularly denied their right to speak on their own behalf in court, writes Christopher Booker.

15 Oct 2011

Greens buy 4x4s to save them from global cooling

Brighton's Green-controlled council is banking on another big freeze this winter, says Christopher Booker.

15 Oct 2011

Cameron’s sudden zeal for adoption misses the point

The real scandal remains the ever-increasing number of children taken from their parents, arguesChristopher Booker.

08 Oct 2011

We shouldn’t let our councils cheat us out of £25 billion a year

Councils now make as much money out of extra charges as they do from the council tax, revealsChristopher Booker.

08 Oct 2011

The EU dream has turned into a nightmare

The euro project was always based on a colossal act of make-believe - and now it is unravelling, saysChristopher Booker.

01 Oct 2011

How bailiffs reap the fraudulent rewards of their 'phantom visits'

Charges for bailiffs' visits that are never made may be costing businesses and householders tens of millions of pounds, writes Christopher Booker.

24 Sep 2011

Police show themselves once again at the beck and call of social workers

The latest disturbing developments in the case of a family who are battling to retrieve their six children, by Christopher Booker.

24 Sep 2011

Couple denied legal help while lawyers make £1m removing their children

Their English is poor, they are reduced to tears by their inability to understand what is going on in court, yet they are denied help in presenting their case, writes Christopher Booker.

17 Sep 2011

The Euro Titanic is sinking but there's no lifeboat for Britain

Talk of 'loosening ties' with the European Union is a delusion, writesChristopher Booker.

17 Sep 2011

Wind farms: monuments to lunacy

These pointless monstrosities will continue to proliferate until the Government sees sense, laments Christopher Booker.

10 Sep 2011

The lights may go out in Germany even sooner than in Britain

Germany's energy policy looks like a disaster in the making, says Christopher Booker.

03 Sep 2011

A red tape nightmare has hit our village cricket club for six

The demands made on our little village cricket club in Litton, Somerset, reflect wider problems with the way Britain is run, says Christopher Booker.

03 Sep 2011

Judge Wall, the secrecy rules, and another stinging attack

The most senior judge in the Family Division, Lord Justice Wall, takes an unprecedented step, by Christopher Booker.

27 Aug 2011

Council salaries: the 'looters' have hit the town hall

Council officials have been spotted leaving the premises, not with trainers and TVs, but hundreds of thousands of pounds, writes Christopher Booker.

27 Aug 2011

The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam

David Shukman's reports on energy policy for the BBC failed to explain the true lunacy of the Government's plans, says Christopher Booker.

20 Aug 2011

A £1,000 taxi ride to deny a teenager her right to speak

A 16-year-old girl was driven 300 miles to a court hearing where she was not allowed to speak, writes Christopher Booker.

20 Aug 2011

'Child protection': As one poor boy is deported, another comes home

Further developments in two ongoing cases of boys taken away from loving mothers, by Christopher Booker.

13 Aug 2011

Blitz hero shows us what Britain has lost

The feisty spirit of wartime London has been sadly lacking in recent days, saysChristoper Booker.

13 Aug 2011

Our political class: the more they destroy Britain, the more we all must pay them

The years of fantasy money are far from over in the public sector, writesChristopher Booker.

06 Aug 2011

'Child protection' tears mother and son apart after 14 years

English social workers pursue yet another mother who had taken refuge in Ireland with her child, writes Christopher Booker.

06 Aug 2011

'Child protection' wreaks havoc on a loving family once again

How a mother who fled to Ireland to save her baby was caught on her return, byChristopher Booker.

30 Jul 2011

Rajendra Pachauri is back to tell us: Trust me

The IPCC's chairman wants us to forget all those scandals about hockey sticks and HImalayan glaciers, writes Christopher Booker.

30 Jul 2011

Steve Jones tells the BBC: don't give 'denialists' so much air-time

In his report for the BBC Trust, Steve Jones actually attacks Auntie for having too little global-warming bias, writes Christopher Booker.

23 Jul 2011

Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be used to justify 'climate change' policies

Chris Huhne's 'carbon saving' measures could double energy bills within nine years - so Australian floods might help to wash down the British voter's bitter pills, says Christopher Booker.

16 Jul 2011

Child protection system tears two more families apart

Two shocking cases of children taken into care on the flimsiest pretexts, byChristopher Booker.

16 Jul 2011