Disaster management: Be Prepared and Armed, Part 3 Eric Holder has habit of lying under oath, claim critics Will Congress "borrow" from your 401(k) as they have done government pensions? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203. Elijah and Electronics Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Part 22
The best plan for our sovereignty to survive along with us on the other side of a disaster is to have the right people in office long before disaster strikes. Some of us believe we can even avert some kinds of disasters with the right people in office......
by John Longemecker
GOP lawmakers are calling for a special counsel to determine whether Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself during his testimony regarding "Operation Fast and Furious." On Monday, October 3, House GOP members wrote a letter to the Attorney General requesting a special counsel (a/k/a special prosecutor) be appointed due to the failure of the Obama Administration to provide answers to House committees investigating........
My wife and I love making ancient Jewish wisdom accessible, helping everyone understand how the world REALLY works. We do so with personal appearances, our radio and television shows, and through the books and audio CD programs we publish. Soon, we hope to use podcasting and video. We are wedded to the idea, not the technology. Unfortunately.....
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
It is very necessary that we discuss, and I believe in detail, the pastors of early America and especially during the time of the Founders. These were the men that fanned the flame of independence by preaching the principles of Christianity. Historian B.F. Morris stated: The ministers of the Revolution were, like their Puritan predecessors, bold and fearless in the cause of their country. No class of men contributed more to carry forward the Revolution and to achieve our independence than did the ministers......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 9 October 2011
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Britannia Radio