I don't want to leave the EU': PM will not support a referendum on UK membership
Sun, 02 Oct 2011
PORTILLO'S SHATTERING REVELATION ABOUT THE EURO BAIL OUT!Did anyone else notice on Andrew Neill's show late on Thursday, the mind-boggling, wholly new analysis of the euro bail-out provided by Portillo? That this had never struck him before but had just been explained to him by some grand economic Guru? This is what Portillo has only just realised: The euro bail out is not being done to save the euro, but to transfer the losses from the banks that made the bad loans (and should therefore be the ones to lose) to the taxpayers across the EU, who were not involved. SUCH INSIGHT! AND SO SOON AFTER THE EVENT! Sorry Mr. Portillo, but you are, to use your phrase, "behind the curve" - way, way behind. The people rioting in the streets in Greece and increasingly elsewhere understood this pefectly well a long time agon. And to think that once upon a time you were thought to be Prime Ministerial material. xxxxxxxxxxxxx I
European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws. Consumers: the European Commission takes action to enforce timeshare protection
Brussels – The European Commission has decided to step up legal action against Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Lithuania to ensure that consumers benefit from the protection granted under EU rules on timeshare sales (Directive 2008/122/EC). ...
See all stories on this topic »Digital Agenda: Commission requests Belgium and UK to implement Audiovisual ...
If they fail to do so, the Commission could refer them to the EU's Court of Justice. The AVMSDirective (2010/13/EU) ensures a Single Market and legal certainty for Europe's TV and audiovisual industry by creating a level playing field for both ...
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Euro debt crisis sets off round of squabbling in German government
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8mLfLC-gPoeu reform treaty Conservative party conference 2011: Cameron says UK should stay in the EU
I don't want Britain to leave the EU. I think it's the wrong answer for Britain. "What most people want in this country is not actually to leave the EU, but to reform the EU and make sure that the balance of powers between a country like Britain and ...
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Sunday, 2 October 2011
"The Mail on Sunday has learnt that the Commons Backbench Business Committee will agree to grant a one-day debate on a referendum after Parliament returns next week."
It will be interesting to see if the Committee keeps its nerve . If it does then pressure has to be exerted on the MPs for the actual vote.
Barroso's Word Cloud
Your Leader spells it out - Promises to return power to the UK are a
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Britannia Radio