Friday, 21 October 2011

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Guy News
Gaddafi Dead Like Rebels Kill Gaddafi,                                       Dave Next on Facebook
Now Rebels Coming For Cameron
In the week that saw Gaddafi finally get what he deserved - bloody, sandy justice, another vain leader has a rebel problem of his very own. The blog has been the go to place for the twists and turns of Cameron's growing referendumrebellion. We brought you the soul searching, the amendments, the letters, the briefing notes and the spin before anyone else. And we even armed the rebels.

Elsewhere we haven't forgotten the fact that Ed is still refusing to tell us about his private dinner with bankers and lobbyists, caught Red Ken on the champers, tracked the SpAd movements in the wake of the Fox-trot. Again it was a bad week for blog baddiesChris Huhne and Mike Hancock...
