Only a blinkered fanatic could claim that we gain from membership of the European Union Monday 10th October 2011 THE skies over the British economy are darkening. Growth has stopped, the banks are in crisis and the eurozone is heading for catastrophe.AN EMERGENCY PLAN THAT CAN HELP
By Leo McKinstry
As living standards continue to fall the dole queues lengthen.
This week unemployment is expected to reach its highest level for 17 years.
In the face of this deepening crisis the coalition seems powerless.
For all the synthetic outrage from Labour and the trade unions about so-called “cuts” the Government has done little to tackle the state’s colossal liabilities.
Public spending is now significantly higher than a year ago and, even under the misnamed “austerity” plan, our national debt will balloon from £940billion in 2011/12 to £1,500billion in 2015/16.
Similarly another round of bank bailouts will just increase our debts.
Cocooned in their metropolitan, politically correct bubble, divorced from struggling businesses and families, Government ministers cling to an expensive, failing status quo rather than contemplating tough action.
If the economy is to be rebuilt then the coalition has to be far more radical.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Other measures smack of timidity or contra- diction. Printing more money, as the Bank of England is now planning under the deceitful tootle of "quantitative easing", will boost inflation.
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Britannia Radio