Monday, 10 October 2011

Euroscepticism or Secession?

The Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against the notion of "ever–closer Union" in Europe and, above all, against British involvement in a single European state.

Euroscepticism or Secession?

The damage that the European Union is having on our economy and
democracy as well as the harm it is inflicting on the continent of Europe
is now accepted by many bar those from the international bureaucratic
class. However, what is the answer to these undeniable problems? Some
are advocating that the UK’s terms of EU membership should be
renegotiated; others maintain that withdrawal from the EU is the only
realistic way to address the damage inflicted on Britain by the EU.

This Bruges Group meeting has two speakers that advocate
these two different approaches.

Monday, 24th October 2011
6.45pm for 7pm

ADMISSION: £10 payable on the door or in advance
Including wine, orange juice, mineral water and nibbles

To purchase your ticket visit:
Or call Robert Oulds on 020 7287 4414, or reply to this e-mail

Alternatively you can click here for a form to book your place


Peter Hitchens
Peter Hitchens is an award winning journalist. He also makes regular
broadcast appearances on British Television. Peter is also a successful
author and columnist for the Mail on Sunday.

His publications include; The Abolition of Britain, The Broken Compass:
How British Politics Lost its Way, A Brief History of Crime and The Rage Against

Peter advocates that Britain must leave the European Union. His speech will be titled,
Euroscepticism is an evasion of the issue. Secession is the only answer..

Mark Pritchard MP
Mark Pritchard is the Member of Parliament for The Wrekin. He was first
elected in 2005 and was re-elected in 2010. Prior to entering Parliament
Mark Pritchard was a Local Government Councillor.

In the House of Commons he is the Secretary of the backbench 1922 Committee.
Mark is also a member of the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy.
His political interests include; defence, cyber-security, homeland security, foreign
elations, counter-terrorism, animal welfare, conservation, Europe and the Commonwealth.

In The Daily Telegraph Mark Pritchard recently wrote that, ‘Britain has become
enslaved to Europe’. And he called for the Conservative leadership to hold a
referendum on the EU and for a renegotiation of the UK’s terms of membership.

Princess Alexandra Hall, Royal Over-Seas League, Over-Seas House
6 Park Place, St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR

Lectures: 7pm – 8pm
Discussion: 8pm – 8.30pm
Wine and refreshments: 8.30pm – 10pm


  • International Conference
    Saturday, 5th November – 10.30am until 6.15pm
    The Great Hall, Kings College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS


Honorary President: The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, LG, OM, FRS
Vice-President: The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick, Chairman: Barry Legg
Director: Robert Oulds MA, Head of Research: Dr Helen Szamuely
Washington D.C. Representative: John O'Sullivan, CBE
Founder Chairman: Lord Harris of High Cross, Former Chairmen: Dr Brian Hindley, Dr Martin Holmes & Professor Kenneth Minogue
