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Saturday, October 08, 2011
As the World Order Turns
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Predictions and observations on the eve of destruction....
Everywhere, the status quo seems doomed; the system, discredited and broken beyond repair.
In the United States, in Europe, across the Middle East, and maybe across Asia, also, the center cannot hold. Or so it seems, although in China, a despotic government may find a way to stay in power.
In barbaric Afghanistan, the U.S. is losing a 10-year-old war that it could and should have won in 10 weeks. The conflict, like the unnecessary intervention in Iraq, drags on and drags the U.S. down, bleeding it dry, demoralizing soldiers and civilians alike, creating a dangerous divide between armed forces and the home front--a widening gap that plays into the hands of enemies who plot and plan civilization's doom.
The Bush blunders and lies, the Obama Outreach and appeasement, the secret pacts and devilish deals, the perfidy and treachery ... the clash of imperialisms ... all will lead to disaster.
A Grand Bargain with rightwing political Islam? No way. Every attempt to engage the clerical fascist foe will backfire, boomerang, blow back--the way it did on 9/11.
The people are hungry. But their cries for help fall on deaf ears. Their so-called leaders give them insane ideologies, empty slogans, endless wars in the name of democracy, religion, nationalism.
Let them eat missiles, markets, carbon credits, constitutions and holy books, the "leaders" seem to say.
But the people ... the ordinary people ... the regular folks ... soon will neither be interested in constitutions nor in markets. They may even tire of their imams and mullahs.
All over the world, the people ... meaning, the desperately poor and the newly pauperized middle and working classes ... will demand jobs, food, medicine, clothing and shelter.
The beat-down masses will rise up, rage against the machine that threatens to grind them into dust. Millions of angry people will take to the streets to get what they want, need, deserve ... recent demonstrations, including the upheavals in the Arab world and the protests in Israel, offering only a hint of things to come.
The European Union is on its last legs; its single currency, clearly doomed.
Dollars could end up in wheelbarrows; politicians, hounded and hunted down like wild beasts.
This much is clear: until the end, the paid propagandists and true-believing fools on Fox News ... the flag-waving pundits and so-called analysts ... the arrogant ignoramuses and the well-intentioned idiots ... will parrot their party line, pretend their country is fundamentally OK ... extol its nonexistent exceptionalism. They will rant and rave about class warfare and continue to claim that "we're all in this together" as their ratings rapidly shrink ... just like the life savings and home values of their viewers.
The Fox fakers and fools will still be talking about deficits instead of jobs ... will still be promoting stupid tea parties and silly books about the Founding Fathers ... and "family values" ... when Obama begins his second term.
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Britannia Radio