we have liberated the land of our forefathers from foreign occupation." (Maccabees I, Chapter 15, verse 33) ------------------ He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful - .............Kohelet Rabba 7:16 ---------------------------------------- In less than three decades Israel has gone from being a country that frees hostages to one that frees terrorists - .............Michael Freund on the 30th anniversary of Entebbe -------------------------- When terrorists kill a Jew in Eretz Israel , there are two responsible parties: the terrorists and the government that allows it. - ........Rabbi Meir Kahana, ZTUQ"L, HI"D
P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661
Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail: bernards@sbcglobal.net
For list:
List published of prisoners
Sunday, 16 October 2011
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest." Isaiah 62.
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"We have not occupied a foreign land;
we have not ruled a foreign land;
The BLOOD of innocents will flow freely through the Land of Israel, thanks to the Israeli Knesset members who voted for the Shalit deal. May the L-rd Almighty, Proctector of His People, Israel, cast these ministers into the dustbin of history.
And restore Zionist rule to Jerusalem.............Bernard J. Shapiro
to be freed in Schalit deal
10/16/2011 00:54
In order to allow the public 48 hours to appeal prisoners' release to the
High Court of Justice; among those set to be freed are Park Hotel attack
planner Nasser Yataima and Sbarro bombing accomplice Tamimi Ahlam.
The Prison Service on Saturday night evening published a list (Excel sheet)
of the Palestinian prisoners slated for release in the first stage of an
exchange deal that will see captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit returned to
Israel. According to Israeli law, the government must provide citizens 48
hours to appeal the release of the prisoners.
The first group of 477 prisoners, whose names were published early morning
Sunday, are expected to be released on Tuesday at the same time that Hamas
hands over Schalit. The list includes 450 males and 27 females.
The list contains includes Walid Anajas, who was convicted for his
involvement in the bombing of the Moment Cafe in Jerusalem in 2002. Twelve
civilians were murdered and 54 injured in the attack.
Also on the list is Nasser Yataima, convicted of planning the 2002 Passover
Seder suicide-bomb attack on the Park Hotel in Netanya, in which 30
civilians were killed and 140 were wounded.
Also included is Chris al-Bandak, the only known Christian member of the
Fatah Tanzim terror group, convicted of several shooting attacks which
claimed the lives of two Israelis and seriously injured a third in 2002.
Musab Hashlemon, of Hebron, sentenced to 17 life sentences for dispatching
two suicide bombers to Beersheba, will be released. Sixteen civilians were
murdered when the bombers detonated themselves on two buses in central
Beersheba in 2004.
Hashlemon was released in the previous prisoner exchange deal for Elhanan
Tenenbaum, when Hashlemon was a minor Hamas operative, according to Maariv.
He will be deported to Gaza.
Ibrahim Jundiya, sentenced to 12 life sentences for dispatching a suicide
bomber to a Jerusalem bus in 2002, will also be deported to Gaza. Eleven bus
passengers were murdered in the bombing which occurred in Jerusalem's Kiryat
Menahem neighborhood.
Fadi Muhammad al-Jabaa, sentenced to 18 life sentences for plotting the
suicide bomb attack on a Haifa bus in 2003, in which 17 passengers were
murdered, will be released and deported to Gaza. The list includes Maedh Abu
Sharakh, also convicted of plotting the Haifa bus bombing.
Mazen Muhammad Faqha, who plotted the 2002 suicide bus bombing near Safed,
in which nine passengers were murdered and forty injured, will also be
released and deported to Gaza.
Tamimi Ahlam, the Palestinian female Hamas terrorist convicted of aiding and
abetting the suicide bomber who murdered 15 civilians and injured 140 in the
2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in the capital will be deported to her native
Already on Friday, the Almagor Terror Victims Organization petitioned the
High Court of Justice to ask that the release of Palestinian prisoners in
exchange for Gilad Schalit be delayed pending an in-depth examination of the
Members of the public who wish to receive more details on the prisoners or
pass on messages to the Justice Ministry can call 02-6466801/3/4 on Sunday.
Joanna Paraszczuk contributed to this report.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
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Britannia Radio