Friday, September 30, 2011
Angola Cracks Down on Hezbollah
Iran's Christian Cries for Help Fall on Deaf Ears
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Angola to Hitlerian Hezbollah: Get out of Africa now!
And click here and here for archived articles about the Islamist (Hezbollah/Al Qaeda) threat to Angola.
Iran's Atomic Ayatollah, Missile-Mad Mullahs and their
Maniac-in-Chief Escalate War on Christian Community
But the Western world's leaders, including U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, are really not inclined to come to the aid of non-Muslims. Obama is bent on appeasing and aligning with "the Muslim world." His administration aims to end what remains of the war against radical Islam by decimating Al Qaeda and declaring victory over "violent extremism." With the exception of AQ, practically all other Islamist groups and entities, including the Taliban, are considered alright to engage (appease and align with) by the Obama administration. Obama proved this when he tried to strike a Grand Bargain with nuclear-arming Iran. After failing miserably--appeasement is making war with North Korea's Nazi-like partner in proliferation inevitable--BHO turned to Turkey, hailing it as a model "Islamic democracy," encouraging its imperialist foreign policy, which increasingly threatens Israel and Greece.
Put differently, it is as if in reaching out to rightwing political Islam and overlapping organized and state Islam, America's first Muslim-born-and-reared President is saying to the world's estimated 1.5 billion Muslims: We understand you and your grievances, the root causes of the terrorism and violence with which you and your lands have tragically become associated. Because we understand you, we want to work with you, help you to achieve your goals and ambitions--as long as you don't attack us physically, the way your lunatic fringe did on 9/11. In other words, you can build bombs. But don't use them against us. You can overthrow your dictators, even if they are our friends and allies, and loot (I should say liberate) the arsenals of your armed forces. And you can sell the weapons, like Libya's missing heat-seeking missiles. But don't use these things to shoot down our airplanes. That just isn't acceptable. We won't stand for it.
But that doesn't mean that you can't force your women to wear barbaric burqas and veils and ugly headscarves. Yes you can! You can even beat them if they step out of line or violate your medieval rules and customs--like driving a car in Saudi Arabia, a country with no human or civil rights, ruled by a tyrant before whom I myself bowed, from the waist, deeply and submissively, like a slave or a servant. We have no problem with any of that ... as long as you don't blow us up.
More important, you can go on brainwashing and indoctrinating your boys and young men in your backward schools and seminaries, and you can even establish similarly backward institutions of rote learning, hatred and bigotry here in the United States, where your lawyers and activists can use our own democracy and legal system and traditions of tolerance and pluralism--and our obsession with diversity for its own sake--against us, in order to carve out separate spaces, establish special rights and privileges, impose your religious law as the law of our land. I have no problem with any of that. Nor do most liberal and progressive Americans. We welcome your ways, promise never to pass judgement on them. In this regard, we are and always will be sensitive to your needs, for we appreciate your power--provided, again, that you use it peacefully, even in pursuit of our ultimate defeat.
In other words, while brainwashing in the name of Islam is OK, beheadings are not--at least, not in the United States of America.
Overseas is a different matter altogether. Cultural contexts vary from country to country, region to region. We understand this all too well after all the terrible mistakes we have made, the atrocities and war crimes that my predecessors have committed in the name of democracy--and for which I have already apologized to you in the past and will continue to apologize for as long as I am in the White House. Beheadings are traditionally carried out with swords. And that may seem harsh to many Americans. But know this: more and more Americans have come to realize that the sword of Islam is a just and righteous sword--and an essentially progressive sword. Guided by this understanding, we want Islamic democracies to expand across the Middle East and the Arab world, including Libya, which is geographically in Africa but culturally part of the Middle East, and into Central Asia. We look forward to this expansion, will help you in every possible way, stand with you even against other great powers that may seek to oppress you.
You see, we progressive Americans, and I proudly include myself among them, believe that your movement deserves to succeed, for yours is the right side of history. The Arc of Islam corresponds to the Moral Arc of History, an arc that will soon spread from Africa to China.
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Britannia Radio