Saturday, 8 October 2011

07 October 2011 -

The EU peddles the big lie:

'We secured the last 50 years of peace'

The word around Brussels is that the euro-elite thought the EU was in line to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yes, I know: all one can say is, 'Huh?'

Yet it seems seems that José Manuel Barroso, Herman Van Rompuy and the rest fancied the EU deserved the prize for keeping Europe at peace for 50 years.
At which point 'Huh?' becomes disgust. This 'the EU kept the peace for 50 years' lie is being used by euro-ideologues in their efforts to re-write history. (If you have school-age children, better check their school books to see just how far this lie has seeped into their curriculum.)

British chieftain tanks wiki Mention is never made in this new history of the Nato forces, in particular of the British Army of the Rhine -- those are British Chieftain tanks on the left, rolling through Berlin -- that made sure after 1945 there was going to be no more war starting up between France and Germany; nor indeed that Germany was for most of the last 50 years divided, with Soviet power and the East German communist dictatorship controlling the German Democratic Republic.

A cut-in-half, fully-occupied Germany was not going to invade anybody. Yet the Brussels propaganda pushers want you to believe that the last half-century of peace in Europe has all been down to the European Commission and the rest of the Brussels cartel.

There indeed could have been war in Europe, but it would have been between America and a Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc, not between de-populated France and bombed out, humiliated Germany. During the Cold War, the Common Market had nothing to do with stopping America and the USSR fighting WWII, part 2: whatever has stopped war in Europe these last 50 years, it for sure has not been the massed ranks of the Common Agricultural Policy.

More, since the Cold War ended, the gutless reluctance of most European countries, especially France and Germany, to spend money on building effective national fighting forces means that the riots in Athens are now about as much of a European ground war as most members of the EU could actually mount.