'Indignant' protests to sweep across world: - "Indignant" activists, angered by a biting economic crisis they blame on politicians and bankers, vow to take to the streets worldwide on Saturday in a protest spanning 71 nations. UK unemployment, poverty at all time high : It's the latest blow to the British economy - unemployment is at a seventeen year high.There are now over two and a half million unemployed people in the country, an increase of a hundred and fourteen thousand in three months. Scotland's Poor Face 'World War Two Like Food Rationing' After Rising Prices, Says Oxfam Scotland: Pensioners and those on the lowest incomes are struggling to feed themselves in the face of rising food prices, Oxfam Scotland said. Hundreds “Occupy Dublin” As Wall Street Tactic Spreads - “The State has sold itself completely to the financial cartels,” a 42 year-old unemployed construction worker tells me. “They are transferring more wealth out of Ireland than British landlords ever did, and these are Irish people doing it!” Border guards put on alert for weekend protests: - A Canadian border alert has been issued to prevent hard-core U.S. protesters from crossing the border to take part in marches and an occupation of the country's financial centres on Saturday. Protesters suspicious of plan to clean up NYC park: The owner of the private park where Wall Street protesters are camped out says it will begin enforcing park regulations, which prohibit everything from lying down on benches to storing personal property on the ground. Home foreclosure proceedings on the rise again: California and other Western states see the largest increase in banks' beginning the foreclosure process on homes.
Friday, 14 October 2011
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Britannia Radio