Saturday, 29 October 2011


Israel with a gun to its head

By Ted Belman

Just yesterday I wrote,

    By not rejecting the peace process, Israel is accepting negotiations which aim to bridge the gap. Netanyahu is following in the footsteps of Barak and Olmert.

    Netanyahu inherited the Shalit negotiations and once complained that he was dealt a lousy hand as though he couldn’t have started all over again. Similarly, he is not prepared to start all over again on peace negotiations and is prepared to play with the hand he was dealt. It too is a lousy hand.

And yesterday we read

both sides would present ‘comprehensive proposals’ for resolving key aspects of conflict within three months

By Netanyahu formaly agreeing to present such a plan in three months, he confirms that he is following Olmert and Barak. This is something Bibi has repeatedly said he would not do just as he has always said he is against the Shalit deal.

This goes way beyond playing rope-a-dope to buy time. This shows a seriousness about negotiations and an...

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Today’s Guide for the Perplexed,

By Dr. Yasser Dasmabebi, FrontPage

I have come to realize just how difficult it may be to decipher news about the Middle East, Islam, Israel, the Arab World, and all these powerful and explosive issues of our times for those who rely on such media stalwarts as The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the major television networks, cable news, etc. for their information. For example, how is a person to ascertain whether the slayer of a family is a terrorist or a militant or a gunman or an assailant or an activist or a freedom-fighter?

So, purely as a public service, I have organized the following glossary of the most pertinent terms and expressions, as typically used in the above-mentioned news sources. I hope, insha’allah, the reader will find it helpful to unravel the Gordian Knot of language that is today?s (and yesterday?s and tomorrow?s) Middle East!

Dr. Yasser Dasmabebi holds the Edward Said-Noam Chomsky Linguistics Chair at Abdul Abulbul Amir...

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Republicans stand by Israel

Read the exclusive ISRAEL HAYOM interviews with the leading Republican candidates.

Romney: Obama threw Israel under the bus

Perry: I’ll move the US Embassy to Jerusalem

Gingrich: We tried talking to Iran, now the discourse must change

Cain: Obama’s weakness invites attack on Israel and America

Bachmann: I stand with Israel

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel