Friday, 28 October 2011


So what is a money bomb?

Thursday, 27th October 2011

A money bomb is an intense grassroots fundraising effort over a small, fixed period of time, in this case coinciding with UKIP Leader Nigel Farages's appearance on BBC1's Question Time tonight. More

UKIP abstains on Angelilli report

Thursday, 27th October 2011

Following the decision by its MEPs to abstain on voting over the Angelilli report on the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, UKIP has issued the following statement: More

We Should Not Forgive Them

Monday, 24th October 2011

Following the debate on the EU Referendum motion, UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said the electorate should be unforgiving. "Defeat was inevitable given that MPs knew full well how their leaders wanted them to vote." Mr Farage said. However 111 is a healthy figure that should send a clear... More

Diabetics lose licences thanks to EU

Friday, 21st October 2011

More than 25,000 diabetics have lost their driving licences in the last six years because they have been deemed unfit to get behind the wheel, it was revealed today. More

The Great EU Debate events

Friday, 21st October 2011

UKIP Culture, Media & Sport spokesman Winston McKenzie is hosting a 10-week series of debates about the EU which have been broadcast by Ben TV on Sky Channel 184. More

Blind panic in Downing Street

Wednesday, 19th October 2011

“Tonight’s decision to bring forward the debate and vote on having a referendum on our membership of the EU smacks of blind panic in Downing Street,” said Nigel Farage MEP the leader of UKIP. More

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Nigel on Sky over Eurozone crisis

Friday, 14th October 2011

UKIP's Nigel Farage debates the Euro crisis and Greek bailout with Adam Boulton and Lib Dem Sharon Bowles. More

Kent result points to UKIP potential

Friday, 14th October 2011

UKIP's Geoffrey Clark seized a massive 33% of the vote in a Kent council by-election after just a few weeks' work, showing the Party's incredible potential in county and district council elections, says Party Leader Nigel Farage. More

Eurocrats in 'contest of stupidity'

Wednesday, 12th October 2011

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage says the EU leaders have divorced themselves from reality as Europe crashes from crisis to crisis. More

Eurocrats have wasted money for years

Wednesday, 12th October 2011

UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen tells RT that Brussels bureaucrats have been squandering taxpayers' money for years on propping up the EU empire. More

Say 'No' to EU Police College accounts

Wednesday, 5th October 2011

Discharging the accounts of the EU Police College based in the UK from a time when it was being mismanaged would do no favours to the present management team, says UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen. More

EU mismatches spell disaster

Monday, 3rd October 2011

UKIP MEP William Dartmouth says the mismatched economies of the Eurozone means the stronger countries are now sick and tired of propping up the weaker nations. More

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Britain is deeper in debt than an ANY time in its history and yet we're borrowing MORE money to pay for the EU. In fact the EU is now costing Britain £45 million a day!

The £300 billion paid to date would pay for thousands of doctors, nurses, teachers, hospitals and schools. Without the EU, tuition fees could be scrapped, VAT slashed, immigration could be controlled.

Here are some common myths and truths about the EU..

THE MYTH: 'The EU is good for the economy'

THE TRUTH: It costs us around £45 million a day to be part of the vast European bureaucracy, yet the benefits are hard to define and especially hard to justify when we're already deep in debt. We're borrowing money to pay for the EU. And with 70% of our laws now made in Brussels, we’re being strangled by red tape. And we’re bailing out the Eurozone, even though we aren’t in the Euro.

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THE MYTH: 'The EU is all about trade and jobs – vote YES for a Common Market'

THE TRUTH: When Britain voted 'yes' in the 1975 referendum, we didn’t really know what we were voting for. It was a trick. Who would have voted for a colossal, centralised bureaucracy, the eradication of our borders and the loss of British sovereignty? Recently, the EU announced its own Diplomatic Service, costing £8 billion and duplicating existing national embassies around the world. There will soon be EU missions in Barbados (46 lucky staff), Burkina Faso in Africa and Vanuatu in the Pacific. EU money already subsidises French colonies in South America and the Caribbean.

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THE MYTH: 'We'll cut immigration to tens of thousands a year' - David Cameron

THE TRUTH: Last year we had more arrivals than ever before (239,000 that we know about!) and any of the 500 million people with an EU passport can walk past UK border control to work, live and claim benefits here. Immigration from the EU is out of our hands. This is pushing British unemployment problems to new heights and causing enormous strains on housing, schools and hospitals. Britain’s borders now effectively include North Africa, Russia and Turkey. UKIP is not 'anti-immigration', UKIP favours CONTROLLED immigration.

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THE MYTH: 'The Euro – one currency for one Europe'

THE TRUTH: Many British politicians wanted Britain to join the Euro... the Liberal Democrats still do (how stupid is that?) Countries which adopted the Euro are now in dire straits. Greece is bankrupt, with strikes and riots daily. Irish homeowners are almost £1 billion in negative equity. Italy has been downgraded. Spain is at risk. Right now bailouts for the struggling Eurozone countries threaten the entire world banking system.

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THE MYTH: 'The UK can't survive on its own in a global economy.'

THE TRUTH: The UK is the world's sixth largest economy and one of the 10 largest manufacturers. The UK needs to trade freely with all the countries of the world, especially the Commonwealth. 93% of potential world trade is beyond the inward looking EU. Britain was built on world trade and it still is.

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THE MYTH: 'If we left the EU, we'd be isolated and unable to trade with European nations.'

THE TRUTH: Trade 'scare' stories are just that. 40% of our export trade is with the EU and we're the EU’s customer! Switzerland and Norway aren't EU members, yet they enjoy strong trade relationships with the EU (and the highest standards of living in Europe!). 70% of Switzerland's trade is with EU member states.

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THE MYTH: 'We can renegotiate the treaties’

THE TRUTH: The Conservatives say they will reform our relationship with the EU by 'repatriating' some powers from the EU back to British control. The truth is that under the Maastricht Treaty (1992) the entire 170,000 pages of EU law and regulations must be accepted in full by all member states. We cannot even stop the nonsense of ‘votes for prisoners’ in our jails. We are just one voice in an assembly of 27 countries, we lose every time. Of the 27 Commissioners, at least 8 are former communists.

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THE MYTH: 'The EU is the guarantor of our human rights and civil liberties.'

THE TRUTH: Under an EU law pushed through in 2005 by Liberal Democrat MEP Sir Graham Watson, you can now be arrested and deported to any EU country without any evidence being presented to a British court. In 2010, Conservative Home Secretary Theresa May voluntarily opted-in to the European Investigation Order, enabling foreign police to tap your phone, take your DNA and look into your bank account.

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THE MYTH: Compulsory pro-EU lessons in schools?

THE TRUTH: The Education act 1966 states that if anyone presents information in a school that is of a political nature, a balancing presentation must be made. Yet the European Parliament has just voted in favour of compulsory teaching of the 'advantages' of EU membership in schools (a7-0293/2011). They've also just spent €15 million on an EU 'history' centre and describe the First and Second World Wars as 'civil wars'.

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THE MYTH: Millions lost to fraud and irregularities…

THE TRUTH: It’s a gravy train! It’s been running for years and is still making millionaires out of failed politicians who make it to Brussels. MP’s expenses scandals are nothing compared to the scams and dodges that see millions go missing at Brussels.

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THE MYTH: The EU attacks The City of London?

THE TRUTH: EU wants to introduce a Financial Transaction Tax that would, at its own estimate, cost the city of London 50,000 jobs. Our Government says it will veto it but the EU is working on a plan to introduce the measure as a 'value added tax', which does not require a new treaty and therefore does not enable anyone to veto it. The EU is destroying our largest single industry…and taxpayer.

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THE MYTH: 'A European Union will bring peace.'

THE TRUTH: The idea of a single European state came about shortly after the Second World War, when politicians thought we could prevent future wars by eradicating sovereign states. Yet the EU failed to stop genocide in the Balkans and today the folly of the Euro is the direct cause of massive problems in Greece. The truth of the matter is that the overwhelming defeat of fascism in 1945 and the creation of NATO were, and still are, the real guarantors of peace in Europe, irrespective of the EU.

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THE MYTH: 'Is UKIP anti-European?' No!

THE TRUTH: We're not anti-European! We love Europe! We celebrate the diversity and variety of the cultures and peoples of Europe. We respect the rights of sovereign states and their peoples to democratically determine their own futures and live in peace and harmony whilst trading with their neighbours. And we're already working with other passionately democratic and freedom loving organisations like ours across Europe.

It’s not just UKIP calling for a referendum…


To take power back by leaving the EU.
To take back the right to control who can come into the country.
To put the UK first.

If anything you've read here causes you concern, why not join us and support our fight for Britain's democracy, prosperity and independence?