Millions of people to become expendable next year: Since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008, developing and developed countries lost 20 million jobs. By the end of next year additional 20 million jobs could be lost.
100,000 rally against austerity in Portugal — in pictures: Enormous anti-austerity rallies shake crisis-stricken Portugal, with organizers estimating an attendance of at least 130,000 in Lisbon and 50,000 in Porto.
Occupy Wall Street : 700 Protesters Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge: Hundreds held by NYPD – including New York Times journalist – after attempted march across bridge ends in chaos
Dozens arrested after foreclosure protesters target Bank of America: Police have arrested two dozen protesters for trespassing during a demonstration against Bank of America’s foreclosure practices at the banking giant’s offices in downtown Boston.
Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth: Roseanne Barr shares her solution for dealing with the rich and how the banks could repay the money the U.S. government bailed them out with in 2008.
US media blackout of protest is shameful: China Daily: : One of the best-kept secrets in the United States over the past two weeks seems to be the protest on and near Wall Street in New York.
Matt Taibbi on the evolution of the Occupy Wall Street protest : Keith and Matt Taibbi discuss how the current Occupy Wall Street protest could sprout a much larger movement for reform. Taibbi also compares the media coverage of this protest to the coverage of the tea party.
"We Need A LOT Of Pressure On Wall Street" Bernie Sanders: "Right now, and a lot of people don't know this, you have six financial institutions, the largest six banks in the country, who control sixty percent of the assets of the United States of America. After we bail them out, because they were too big to fail, three out of the four largest financial institutions actually became bigger."
California Atty. General’s Office Pulls out of Settlement with Banks: In a letter to Associate U.S. Attorney General Thomas Perrelli and Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Harris said the agreement would allow “too few…homeowners to stay in their homes” and shield banks from further investigations.
Wall Street protesters bed in for the long haul: Demonstrators show their intentions by setting up makeshift camps, pharmacies... and even a library
No Rise in Home Prices Until 2020: Bankers: Home prices are unlikely to recover before 2020 and mortgage defaults will persist for years, says a survey of bank risk managers out Friday.