Sunday, 23 October 2011

Liam Halligan

Liam Halligan

Liam Halligan's column tackles head on the key issues facing

the British and global economy.

Click here to find out more!


China signals irritation as Europe stares into the financial abyss

Europe's grotesque debt crisis rumbles on. France and Germany are at daggers drawn, the eurozone's two largest economies still a million miles away from agreeing on how they intend to patch-up an utterly incoherent economic construct.

22 Oct 2011

Putting an end to the euro would be better than yet another bail-out

‘Something” will happen by early November, we were told last Sunday.

15 Oct 2011

Roger Bootle

Roger Bootle

Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists.

In his column he sheds light on how the UK and world

economies are performing and the challenges facing the

world's policymakers.

Click here to find out more!


What the world most needs now is growth, not austerity

Debt cannot be magicked away. Reducing it is bound to have consequences.

17 Oct 2011

Unravelling an economy with an interlinked crisis

The immediate cause of the Great Recession was a banking crisis. Yet banking crises don’t usually stay confined to banks for long. In the modern world, they can quickly become a crisis of the public finances.

16 Oct 2011

The Trouble With Markets: Part One

In this extract from a new, updated edition of his book, economist Roger Bootle explains why history tells us that even if Greece defaults it may not mean the end of this financial crisis.

15 Oct 2011