Melanie Phillips
Melanie Phillips
Latest Article
- 10 October 2011
When two sacred cows of the fashionable world collide, the outcome can sometimes be as cynical as a politically-correct version of the TV sitcom Yes Minister.
Published in: Daily Mail
When two sacred cows of the fashionable world collide, the outcome can sometimes be as cynical as a politically-correct version of the TV sitcom Yes Minister.It has emerged that the Government will slash overseas aid payments to countries which persecute homosexuals. It has already cut aid for this reason to Malawi, Ghana and Uganda.In itself, such a move should be applauded. Countries where gay people are persecuted, imprisoned or even killed merely on account of their sexuality should be treated as pariah states. Giving money ostensibly to relieve need in places where such true human rights to life and liberty are routinely snuffed out like this is quite obscene.
So this is a welcome move, even if it is long overdue. Indeed, one may ask why the Government is taking this initiative only now.
The answer is surely that it is deeply rattled by the ferocious public opposition to its decision to increase overseas aid by more than one third while deep cuts are made in other areas.The depth of this public anger took ministers by surprise when it became clear earlier this year. Nevertheless, they are determined not to give way to it.
Indeed, last week the Tories broke with convention when they used their annual party political broadcast to launch a public appeal for charities working to relieve the drought in East Africa. This was widely scorned as a ruthless stunt to boost the Tories’ compassionate image.
The Prime Minister has said piously that continuing to increase the aid programme at a time of austerity is a ‘sign of moral strength’.
This is particularly absurd since Britain is borrowing enormous sums from parts of the Third World, such as China and the Middle East, only to give away enormous sums to other parts, such as Africa and Asia.
Ludicrously, it is also giving aid to India, which has its own space programme, nuclear programme and even its own overseas aid programme — and can also equip its own aircraft carriers, something that bankrupt Britain can no longer manage for itself.
The extraordinary zeal for overseas aid being exhibited by the Cameroons was illustrated at a reception I attended last week on the Tory conference fringe.
Hosted by Save the Children, it was the only fringe meeting to be graced by Chancellor George Osborne. Along with International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell, he declared that he was proud to be a Tory who was helping save lives among the poor of the world — and that the public who were opposed to the aid programme were simply wrong.
Such passion suggests that more may be going on here than an opportunistic attempt to ‘detoxify the Tory brand’, vital though that strategy is to the Cameroons. Listening to those ministers, I couldn’t help but think that they wanted to detoxify themselves as Tories, too, by demonstrating to themselves that they cared about the wretched of the earth.
That’s why David Cameron is now linking the overseas aid programme so strongly to vaccination. Immunisation programmes are perhaps the surest way of saving lives — and the least contested.
Accordingly, the Prime Minister has now pledged to increase Britain’s financial support for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation by an extra £814 million, on top of the UK’s existing commitment to this programme of £680 million between 2011 and 2015.
Yet given that Britain is spending more than £8 billion on overseas aid per year, going up to £11 billion by 2015, this vaccine money amounts to merely a small fraction of the total.
Such a gesture, however, allows the Prime Minister to spin public attention away from the deep concerns over the vast majority of the aid budget.
For far from helping poor nations rise from destitution, much of this aid encourages dependency, fosters corruption and prevents the development of the healthy and free institutions of government and civil society whose absence is a principal cause of Third World poverty.
Moreover, such aid has often been manipulated by tyrants or warlords in order to kill and enslave even more people and prop up their corrupt, brutal regimes.
Aid apologists maintain disingenuously that although those may have been problems in the past, aid budgets have now been made rigorously accountable.
It is, however, hard to believe this since according to an analysis by the government-established Independent Commission on Aid Impact, some 27 per cent of the aid budget goes directly to developing countries’ governments — many of which are corrupt or tyrannical — to spend as they choose.
A further one-third of official aid money goes to expert international bodies such as the World Bank and the United Nations. Only a relatively small amount — £435 million — is spent by the Government directly on humanitarian projects, such as food and medical care in Sudan or Ethiopia.
Furthermore, there is copious evidence that much aid money is simply being misused. The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee warned last year that £1 billion of UK funds given to improve primary education in Africa and Asia was involved in fraud.
And the committee said the department had ‘no coherent framework’ to measure whether Britain’s aid spending made any difference to school attendance or pupils’ achievements in Africa.
For its part, the Commons International Development Committee has said ministers must do more to stamp out corruption in a £1 billion British aid programme building new roads, power and water networks in poor countries.
The Government claims that it is trying to remedy these deficiencies which it blames upon the Labour years.
However, it is hard to place much faith in this when, in response to these strictures by its own Parliamentary committee, the Department for International Development robotically intones: ‘The Government has a zero–tolerance approach to corruption and has tough safeguards in place to protect all aid spending.’
They should tell that to the Pakistani politician Imran Khan, who recently followed a long line of experts in blaming international aid for making his country’s endemic problems of corruption far worse.
The aid money, the former cricketer said, was ‘probably disappearing in Swiss bank accounts, or it’s going into the army’.
All this makes even more striking the British Government’s initiative in singling out the persecution of gay people as the reason for cutting aid to repressive countries. For, of course, it is not just gay people who are being brutally persecuted throughout the Third World.
Christians, Animists and other faiths are being butchered and ethnically cleansed in Africa; women are systematically oppressed in Islamic countries. Yet the Government does not suspend aid on theiraccount.
It is hard not to conclude that what we have here is the ironic collision of two politically correct doctrines — international aid and gay rights. And gay rights have won.
This is hardly surprising, since for the Cameroons gay rights seem to be a governing obsession — as we can see from their proposal to introduce gay marriage, which is currently raising quite a few eyebrows.
Cutting aid to countries that persecute homosexuals is a brilliantly PC solution to Mr Cameron’s political problem with overseas aid. For it allows him to nod to his Conservative critics by cutting such aid — while posing as an apostle of gay rights not just in Britain but around the world.
Such shameless cynicism even the Yes Minister scriptwriters would surely have been hard pressed to invent.