Notes from Wealth’s “Defensive Line” (part one)
By Jim Amrhein“The best defense is a good offense.” — Unknown
Nobody really knows who uttered that famous quote.
Among others, it has been attributed to Vince Lombardi, Jack Dempsey — and my personal favorite choice, legendary military strategist Carl von Clausewitz.
But whoever said it, they were talking about the kind of vibe that’s thrumming through the foyer of the Grand Ballroom at Baltimore’s Marriott Waterfront Hotel as I write these words.
I’ve attended and covered a lot of financial conferences and summits before. They’re generally festive, almost carnival-esque in feel — like Agora Financial’s perennial Investment Symposium in Vancouver, BC.
I love that event. It’s not only a one-of-a-kind exchange of ideas and a trusted outlet of sound moneymaking information and recommendations...
It’s also a raucous, clamoring bazaar of the newest and hottest in technology, energy, and resources companies. Hallways and rooms full of them.
I need a chiropractor every time I come home from that event to help cure me of the “swivel neck syndrome” I get from scoping out this metals company here, that new oil and gas wildcat over there — that tech pioneer over yonder...
But this event is altogether different than that.
Sure, it’s also being held in the lavish ballroom of a marquis hotel in the cosmopolitan waterfront of a major North American port city.
And yes, just like in Vancouver, folks are lining up and steadily drawing down this event’s well-stocked open bar.
But here at the bustling welcome reception of Agora Financial’s very first Safety & Survival Summit, there’s a different vibe indeed...
For privileged eyes only — until now
Unlike the annual Vancouver Symposium, none of the folks drinking with me in this posh foyer seem to be here on a summer investing- and-pleasure combo getaway.
No, there’s determination in the eyes and steel in the stomachs of the folks I’m looking at...
They’ve got their game faces on.
That’s because what they’re here for — what’s happening in downtown Baltimore right now, as you read these words...
Isn’t a “wealth carnival” of divergent and provocative investment ideas and theories, all of them plausible or persuasive.
And it’s not a showcase of dozens of the best and brightest companies in commodities, energy, technology, and more.
It’s a stripped down, no fluff, fastball-down-the-middle day of specific information on exactly what they should do with their money NOW...
How to keep it safe, so it can help them survive economic uncertainty.
How to defend it in an age of increasing taxation and capital regulation.
And how to go on “offense” by piling cash up faster than the government can water it down.
These game-faced folks are here to get this information firsthand — from the people they trust most: Agora Financial’s own gurus of wealth.
You see, unlike the annual Vancouver Symposium, everyone in attendance at this first-ever event is a member of the prestigious, exclusive Agora Financial Reserve.
They’re the most serious of hardcore investors and speculators...
Folks who’ve ponied up thousands of dollars to receive everything Agora Financial ever publishes — for the rest of their lives.
THAT’s the depth of their commitment to making money the Agora way.
And the information they receive at this first-of-its-kind Safety & Survival Summit would normally be only for them as Reserve members...
In fact, that’s the way it was supposed to be — until just a few days ago.
That’s when I got the call from Bruce Robertson, Agora’s Conference Director.
He asked if I could come and cover this event, like I’ve done in the past for numerous Agora Financial Vancouver symposia...
Thankfully, my schedule permitted it. That’s why I’m talking to you now.
Too important NOT to offer you
It seems that after AF’s executive publisher Addison Wiggin read the presentation summaries his six editor/speakers submitted in advance of this event...
He decided that the information was so important and potentially life-changing that he wanted the entire Agora Financial readership to have a chance to benefit from it.
Because of that decision, here I now sit on a rainy Thursday night in the corner of a rodeo-ring sized ballroom...
Bathed in the brilliant light of an oval-shaped crystal chandelier that’s larger than my pickup truck...
Amid the clang and clamor of hotel staff arranging long rows of tables, spreading them with crisp white tablecloths, and un-stacking of hundreds of chairs...
Assailed from all angles by the “check, check, one-two” testing of the audio recording equipment that wasn’t even supposed to be a part of this event...
While simultaneously poring over the presentation summaries in preparation for the event — AND typing these words to you.
Such is the life of a “roving reporter.”
But it’s all worth it. Because just like with the various AF Vancouver Symposia, I’ll get to see it all firsthand — and be able to act on the information immediately...
That’s the best part of these gigs. The fast moves I could make on the things I learn are more than enough “pay” to keep me coming back whenever they ask me.
And now YOU can get the same thing, even though you’re not here — and may not even be an Agora Financial Reserve member.
For a short time only, you can get downloadable MP3 recordings of every minute of this exclusive one-day Safety & Survival Summit.
According to Addison, it’s “job one” to protect the wealth of thousands of Agora Financial readers...
Who suddenly find themselves in the swings of a treacherous economy — and in the crosshairs of a government that cares only about making your money its own.
I’m late for the Reserve-only premiere of a new cut of Risk!, Agora’s follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2008 documentary, I.O.U.S.A. So I’ll keep the details brief...
Right now you can purchase these all-digital recordings for just $49!
But you’ve got to move fast — once the Summit ends at 5PM Eastern time on Friday, that price will go up to $69.
Again, you’ve only got a few hours to save over 40% on the easy-to- download MP3 recordings of the Agora Financial Reserve Safety & Survival Summit.
Click here for the simple ordering details right now...
And stay tuned for my complete written coverage of this first-of- its-kind investment and wealth protection event.
If what I’m reading in these presentation summaries tonight is what’s unfolding on stage on Friday as you read this...
I’ll have the answers to some of today’s most pressing money questions for you when I return with part two of this series on Monday.
Defensively Yours,
Jim Amrhein
Roving Reporter
P.S. In case I didn’t mention it, these digital MP3 recordings will only be available through Monday’s continued coverage of this first- ever Safety & Survival Summit.Click here to save more than 40% on them right now...
Friday, 14 October 2011
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Britannia Radio