Robert King - a former jailed Black Panther murdering terrorist, a bigot, a race hustler, and an honoured guest on the BBC's "Hard Talks." Give this a whirl if you have a strong stomach. Hat-tip to the Biased BBC reader for the heads-up. Biased BBC contributor Alan observes... Wonder what you make of this article by Peter Oborne in the Telegraph? I agree with some of his points but think he fails to grasp the overwhelming bias of the Corporation.OPEN THREAD
>> FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2011
Friday is here and so is this new Open Thread. Ready, ARAB SPRING
Reality tends to have the nasty habit of puncturing the BBC's fantasy "Arab Spring" narrative so this report from them on the current situation in Tunisia is a tad tortuous. Islam is good, Islam is moderate and most definitely in favour of women's rights, if not gay rights. Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, Melanie Philips spells out some realities for the gravity based community!RACIST PLATFORM
"Interesting to hear Nicky Campbell on 5Live this morning keep telling us that Capitalism is in crisis.
Is it? Capitalism is thriving.....China, India, Brazil, Poland, Canada, Mexico.....all seemingly booming.
Capitalism is working because it follows the profit...when the West made itself too expensive for manufacturers they went looking for cheaper labour forces and less red tape.
What is in crisis is Socialism.OBORNE ON THE BEEB
"There are very few institutions – maybe only the monarchy, the Armed Forces and Parliament – that express what it means to be British more than the BBC. The state broadcaster enjoys a very privileged place indeed at the heart of our national conversation. But this, in turn, means that there is an implicit deal between it and the British people. On the one hand, the BBC is funded by public money and given a semi-monopoly of broadcast news coverage. On the other, the BBC is by charter expected to reflect the British values of fair-mindedness, decency and tolerance.Sadly, it is only very rarely that the BBC keeps its side of the bargain, and this negligence is starting to become a scandal."
It's been a scandal for DECADES, Peter.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio