Week's Most Read Stories This week 122,055 visitors made 326,976 visits to 511,422 pages. The top stories in order of popularity were:
We also had great fun with Prescott this week, getting him to retract a comment and apologise after he mocked someone else's speech problems. It didn't stop there with Prezza, later in the week wehit him hard on his spending on a government credit card that included nearly £2,000 in Pret a Manger! He was even taking cash out on it. Others have been jailed for simliar activity...
It wasn't just Prezza that had money worries, doddery old fool Vince Cable's tax avoiding came back to haunt him, and the blog followed this one up by highlighting the fact that there were over forty cases of finanincial mismanagement in Cable's expenses. Elsewhere the blog's campaign against taxpayer funded trade union officials or "Pilgrims" has taken a big step. A debate about them was triggered in parliament, which was rather rowdy. You can watch it here...
Friday, 28 October 2011
Prezza's Gov Credit Card Use Exposed
Monday saw the biggest ever rebellion faced by a Conservative leader and Guido did his fair share of stirring up the trouble. The blog brought you the lines to take, thedrama and the dust as it settled. After the referendum motion was defeated, we decided it was time to play the EU at their own game...
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Britannia Radio