By Steven Plaut
Monday, 31 October 2011
Pino Jihada
On October 31, 2011
Daily Mailer,FrontPage |
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For those of us old enough to be AARP members, the name “Kent State” conjures up memories of the killings of 4 Kent State students on May 4, 1970 in an over-reaction by Ohio State Guardsmen positioned on the campus during anti-war protests.
This past week Kent State gained a new basis for international notoriety and for a different sort of death, this time of academic standards and decency. Kent State is home to one of the worst tenured jihadists and pseudo-academic barbarians on the planet.
Julio Pino is a tenured pseudo-academic, teaching Latin American history at Kent State. He was born in Cuba in 1960 and is a proud Fidelista, although he seems to prefer the option of having three square meals to eat in the heartland of American capitalism to living in the workers’ paradise. In 2000 he converted to Islam and adopted the new name, Assad Jibril Pino. Since then he has been a professional anti-Semite and rabble rouser against Israel. He routinely denounces Israel for perpetuating “genocide” and Nazi-like crimes.
(He evidently has never found any crimes in Cuba committed by the communists there, nor any human rights abuses of Muslims in Muslim regimes.) He proudly admits to being a full-time indoctrinator of his students at Kent State. He has referred to his students at Kent State as his “little jihadists” and his “beloved Taliban.” He insists that the United States is “rapidly descending toward Christian fascism, we need more Ward Churchills.” In September 2000, Pino declared a fatwa on the moderator of the “Marxism List,” proclaiming that those who dared to disagree with him were “hereby sentenced to death.” He routinely celebrates mass murderers and suicide bombers, including the al-Qaeda terrorists who attacked the US on 9-11. The Kent State student paper has had some biting satire to say about all this.
Pino was in the news this past week for academic barbarism. An Israeli diplomat was speaking at Kent State and Pino jumped up and interrupted the talk by screaming “Death to Israel.” Pino was upset when the diplomat noted that that Israel had offered humanitarian aid to Turkey, despite Turkey’s recent behavior, and Pino insisted the aid was really just profits from murdering Arab babies.
But there was more to this, in fact there was ultimate irony in it. The diplomat speaking at Kent State attacked by Pino was an Israeli Arab Bedouin and a Muslim. He is Ishmael Khaldi, an adviser to Israel’s Foreign Minister. So any whining from the tenured Islamofascist Pino about Israel supposedly being an “apartheid regime” was being debunked before the eyes of the Kent State students in the very person who was being harassed by Pino.
The president of Kent State University, Lester A. Lefton, denounced Pino for his behavior, but – as expected – refuses to do anything about it nor to take disciplinary action against Pino. Lefton himself is Jewish. But the very fact that Pino was granted tenured and still holds a position at Kent State shows that academic standards have been trashed at that university. He continues to use his university position as a launching pad for the jihad against America and Israel. It remains to be seen whether the Ohio governor and the Board of Trustees at Kent State will have the courage to do something about Pino. And we sure would like to hear why the FBI has never done anything about the Pino problem.
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