- Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Victory in bid for EU vote
Cameron has been cynically playing for time,stalling us with vague promises to veto,or offer a referendum on any attempt by the EU ofexpanding its powers,or drafting a new treaty,while knowing that in halfway through their first termof office,his government will be stripped of the power to do so.
British Traitors – the EU and a Conspiracy of SilenceQuite serious, this!(Tony Butler was the main football commentator on Radio WM for many years!)================================================================================================ - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Victory in bid for EU vote
Cameron has been cynically playing for time, stalling us with vague promises to veto, or offer a referendum on any attempt by the EU of expanding its powers, or drafting a new treaty, while knowing that in halfway through their first term of office, his government will be stripped of the power to do so.
British Traitors – the EU and a Conspiracy of SilenceDo not be fooled by David Cameron’s stalling over an EU Referendum,He and all Parliamentarians and Judges know,though they haven’t toldus:-Do not be fooled by David Cameron’s stalling over an EU Referendum, he and all Parliamentarians and Judges know, though they haven’t told us:-
On 1st November 2014, QMV (Qualified Majority Voting), which cannot be vetoed by any national government, will replace the national parliamentary jurisdiction of its members; Brussels will legislate in almost every aspect of both national and international policy.
The Governments of traitors, Heath, Thatcher, Major, Blair and Brown, unlawfully committed treason and sedition. by signing away our sovereignty.
It is treason to empower any foreign country, nation, or state to hold power over us.
We should have been warned of what was to come by the pocket filling antics of the Traitor Lord Kinnock. As EU Commissioner he sacked the independent auditor who revealed the corruption of EU politicians, while he was actively engaged in claiming traveling expenses, from the UK to Brussels, while living over there. “It is allowed under the rules,” he whined when challenged by the press. It was such a goldmine he promptly found EU jobs in Brussels for his wife and family.
From where I stand, any politician making a claim for expenses that they have not occurred is a crook, a thief stealing from the taxpayer. Let the windbag sue me, if he dare!
New Labour, were aided by the simpering wets who make up the Liberal Party, and the compliance of the Tory opposition.
Unless we, the ‘Little Englanders’ stage a rebellion, from 1st November 2014 the EU will decide and control almost every aspect of our lives. Not one of the three major political parties has dared to reveal the depth of their treason, the betrayal of us and our country.
Having rigged the democratic system, subverted the judiciary, civil service and politicised the police, our three main political parties are all determined to prove their loyalty to their EU masters. They, have conspired together, lied to and betrayed us, the very people we pay them to serve.
Beware of those who would distract you with talk of a referendum, for just as the Government committed treason by signing the agreement to end Britain’s three mile sovereignty of the oceans surrounding us, and the Lisbon and EU Treaty, a referendum cannot allow you or I to commit treason by handing power to the EU.
Am I exaggerating the magnitude of the loss of British Parliamentary Power? Below is a list of the areas from which the British national veto has been removed from 1st November 2014, to be replaced by QMV.
Be warned, there is little time left for inaction, if we want our country back we are going to have to demonstrate on a scale that this country has never seen before.
The Government must scrap all 110,000 EU laws and regulations. End all payments to the EU and the taxes it imposed on us.
We must declare, ‘Lawful Revolt’, and refuse to pay taxes to a Government engaged in sedition and treason, and acting without our consent.
We are, by law, Freemen and Women, governed by OUR consent, not the slop bucket slaves of the EU state.
Tony Butler....WWW
(Angry Old Git)
Here is a list of the areas of powers being transferred to EU competence, that are currently subject to unanimity and will become subject to QMV from 1st November, 2014.
Competence Area: In the Nice Treaty – In the Lisbon Treaty
Initiatives of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV following unanimous request
Administrative cooperation – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Asylum Unanimity – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Border controls – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Citizens initiative regulations – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Civil protection – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Committee of the Regions – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Common defence policy – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Crime prevention incentives – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Criminal judicial cooperation – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Criminal law – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Culture – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Diplomatic and consular protection – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Economic and Social Committee – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Emergency international aid – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Energy – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
EU budget The– Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Eurojust – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
European Central Bank – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
European Court of Justice – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Europol – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Eurozone external representation – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Foreign Affairs High Representative election (New) – Lisbon: QMV
Freedom of movement for workers – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Freedom to establish a business – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon QMV
Freedom, security, justice, cooperation & evaluation – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Funding the Common Foreign and Security Policy – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
General economic interest services – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Humanitarian aid – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Immigration Unanimity – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Intellectual property – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Organisation of the Council of the European Union – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Police cooperation – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
President of the European Council election (New) – Lisbon: QMV
Response to natural disasters and terrorism (New) – Lisbon: QMV
Rules concerning the Armaments Agency – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Self-employment access rights – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Social security Unanimity – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Space – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Sport – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Structural and Cohension Funds – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Tourism – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Transport – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Withdrawal of a member state (New) – Lisbon: QMV
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Quite serious, this!
(Tony Butler was the main football commentator on Radio WM for many years!)
Posted by Britannia Radio at 14:37