A PDF version of the full Conference Programme is now available here.
We provide our readers with the top fifteen documents and articles read/downloaded by thousands of people from all over the globe during September 2011. Romping up the ranks this month has been a most interesting report from the University of Essex, Riots Report Blames Bent Britain On Political Elites, together with Corrupt Police Data Abuse that is but the tip of the iceberg. Running up to the flu season in the Northern Hemisphere when the pharmaceutical industry floods the market with highly lucrative, virtually untested vaccines every year, most appropriate coverage is being given to what has transpired at the hands of these very same manufacturers and their vaccines in the last russian roulette year or two alone. The news is not good as the evidence shows. Happy reading to all.
The One Click Group
2. #OccupyWallStreet spreads: around 70 protests planned in the following weeks
As some predicted, the popular uprising known as Occupy Wall St. is already producing echoes all around the USA. The volunteer based website Occupy Together, whose aim is to create “a site that would help spread the word as more protests organize across the country”, counts over 70 registered protests in U.S. cities. Apart from the main occupations, currently on-going in New York, Chicago and Denver, many will start in the following weeks to coincide with the global protest day of October 15th. In the following days, parks and squares in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Kansas City, Houston, among others, will be occupied. The movement has definitely gained momentum as more people show up at assemblies and hearings. The individual hubs have organized fast, offering press services, handling donations -money and food- , offering legal advice, and posting content on the web.
Pedro Noel & Santiago Carrion, FuturePress, WL Central
Related Links:
* Occupy Together
Information Release
* Observations of a Jailed Journalist
John Farley, Metro Focus
3. Narcolepsy and Swine Flu Vaccine: Is this the vaccine we use today?/ BBC
Dr Meryl Nass MD
From the BBC: Link between narcolepsy and flu vaccine investigated. Northern Ireland's Chief Medical Officer has confirmed to the BBC, that Northern Ireland had become the latest country to report suspected cases of the sleeping disorder. Dr Michael McBride said the vaccine was used during the flu pandemic of 2009. "Let's be clear - this is not the vaccine that we use today," he added... Let's be clearer in this blog. The trivalent vaccine used today does include the swine flu (H1N1) hemagglutinin antigen --the main immunizing ingredient in swine flu vaccines. According to the FDA, the 2011-2012 vaccine's"A/California/7/09 (H1N1)-like virus is the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus." In the UK and many countries, but not the US, the swine flu vaccine used in 2009-10 also contained a novel adjuvant; in the UK this was ASO3. It is of interest that in one important study, most, but not all cases of post-vaccination narcolepsy were associated with the ASO3-adjuvanted vaccine, while other cases were associated with the plain vaccine...which contained the same ingredients as are found in the current flu vaccine. So far, neither ASO3 adjuvant nor hemagglutinin antigen has been implicated as "the" cause of the narcolepsy outbreak. Certainly, the European Medicines Agency has no clue.
Dr Meryl Nass MD
4. Irish swine flu Health Minister defends damaging vaccine
Minister for Health Dr James Reilly has told the Dáil that no link has been established yet between the swine flu vaccine and narcolepsy. One Click Note: The related links concerning the worldwide neurological damage that GlaxoSmithKline's swine flu vaccine has caused say it all.
RTE News / Ireland
Related Links:
* We need a vaccine inquiry
* Warning: More Children Struck Down By GlaxoSmithKline Flu Vaccine
Genevieve Carbery, Irish Times
* Narcolepsy link to GSK Swine Flu vaccine established - victims to get compensation
Helsingin Sanomat
* Probe on narcolepsy–H1N1 vaccine link finds genetic risk factor/ CIDRAP
Dr Meryl Nass, MD
* Finland confirms firm link between Pandemrix and narcolepsy
Helsinki Times
* Narcolepsy cases rising after swine flu vaccine
The Swedish Local
* New Swedish Study Confirms GlaxoSmithKline's Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Narcolepsy
Lakemedelsverket, Medical Products Agency
* Ireland Rise In Narcolepsy Cases From GSK Swine Flu Vaccine
Jerome Reilly,
* Finland Chief Medical Officer: Swine Flu Vaccinating 5 To 20-Year-Old Children Was A Mistake
5. US Food and Drug Administration lashes pharmaceutical giant CSL over vaccine practices
Despite the report, CSL is one of six flu vaccine manufacturers licensed to sell flu vaccine in the US in 2011. The CSL vaccine, Afluria, is labelled for use over 5 years old. However, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practises recommends that Afluria not be used in children aged 6 months through 9 years, because of "increased reports of febrile reactions in this age group." Why use it at all, when Australia had 9 times the expected rate of febrile seizures from Afluria in early 2010? Or are the other five brands equally problematic? Here are the brands and lots released for use by FDA so far this season. Febrile seizures in small children may not be the only problem with the vaccine. One must also balance the risk of getting flu, and the benefit from vaccination. In the US, approximately 100 children die from flu yearly, half of whom have underlying chronic illnesses. There are about 8 0 million US children, so yearly deaths from flu are slightly more than one in a million. It appears that about 64 per million vaccinated children developed narcolepsy in Ireland. About 90% of new child narcolepsy cases in Finland were due to vaccination. Extrapolating, children may be 50-100 times as likely to develop narcolepsy from vaccination than die of influenza from not being vaccinated.
Dr Meryl Nass MD
6. Are HPV vaccines safe and effective?
It can be claimed that HPV infection is a necessary precursor to most cervical cancers but if most HPV infections do not progress to cervical cancer then a vaccine against two strains of many high-risk HPV subtypes will not be beneficial to the majority of women. HPV vaccines have been promoted to women as a cervical cancer vaccine without any definitive evidence they will prevent cervical cancer. In addition, no long-term systematic surveillance has been implemented to establish the safety of the vaccine over the 5 years it has been used. It is clear that government policy decisions and the marketing of vaccines have not been based on the best available scientific evidence. This is detrimental to the health of the population and needs to be addressed in order to maintain trust in the institutions that are supposed to protect public health.
Judy Wilyman MSc, British Society For Ecological Medicine
7. Was Julian Assange Right About Facebook?
OK, that headline is probably over the top, but after reading Dave Winer and Nik Cubrilovic's warnings this past weekend about Facebook's new "frictionless sharing" system, I was left wondering if Julian Assange of WikiLeaks wasn't on to something when he said that"Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented." Assange was talking about how Facebook collects information that people actively share about their relationships with each other (thus making such data prey to US intelligence prying), whereas Winer is raising the alarm about Facebook's new policy of proactively sharing information about what websites people are visiting, without them even affirmatively entering any kind of data onto their Facebook page. Cubrilovic builds on Winer's warning by demonstrating that even if you log out of Facebook, the site keeps tracking you. Could this be the tipping point--the moment when Facebook's force-marching of its users towards ever-increasing levels of personal transparency really backfires?
Micah L Sifry, techPresident
Related Links:
* WikiLeaks' Assange Calls Facebook 'Most Appalling Spying Machine Ever'
Leslie Horn, PCMag
8. Police still baffled by festival drug use: generation gap
The war on drugs continues as police note the "staggering" amount of drug users at a recent dance music festival. Police arrested 42 punters at Melbourne Parklife yesterday, with only two of that forty-two interviewed in relation to drug trafficking. Besides being gloriously inefficient (sixty officers and two dogs were used), the most "staggering" part of that stat is that police apprehended just two drug traffickers out of a possible 17,000 attendees. Could it be that sniffer dogs are ineffective at catching drug traffickers? Umm, yeah. In fact they're terrible. In 2006 an independent report conducted by the NSW Ombudsman criticized the use of sniffer dogs at music festivals saying they were terrible at catching drug traffickers and excellent at catching paranoid teenage stoners. The report also detailed the most alarming by-product of using sniffer dogs at music festivals: the threat of overdose from those (again, mostly young peopl e) who feared detection. And yet, despite all the data on the subject (also, common sense) police refuse to acknowledge that sniffer dogs simply do not curb drug use, they just alter the pattern of consumption. Sometimes in ways which are less safe for punters. In 2009, 17-year-old Gemma Thoms famously died after taking three ecstasy tablets at once because she feared they could be detected by sniffer dogs.
Daily Pedestrian
Related Links:
* ACT leader questions marijuana laws
NZ Herald
* New FBI Numbers Reveal Failure Of 'War On Drugs'
Mark Perry, Daily Markets
* Ending the War on Drugs would help to fix the budget
E.D. Kain, Forbes
* War On Drugs
Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy
9. No benefit from British welfare reform
Of all the welfare “benefits” and “support” provided to disabled people it is Disability Living Allowance (DLA) that has always stood out as coming closest to resembling a policy intervention aligned to the social model of disability and the aspirations of disabled activists. The social model reminds us that disability is the result of societal barriers, both physical and attitudinal, and that it is society that needs to change and adapt if disability is to be overcome, not the individual disabled person. DLA reflects these principles as a benefit which is paid to all disabled people who meet the admittedly medicalised eligibility criteria and is one of the few non-means tested benefits still available. It is designed to meet the extra costs associated with living with impairment(s) and has helped millions of disabled people achieve greater independence and inclusion in the 20 years since its introduction. It is thus particularly s ad that it too is under threat as the ConDem Government continues its wholehearted assault on the welfare state: stripping back entitlement, reducing levels of support and reforming benefits with vigour reminiscent of Thatcher’s frantic privatising agenda of the 1980s. Cameron has become well known for his frequent u-turns with the “backtrack” and “policy rethink” sometimes appearing part of his political DNA. These DLA reforms scream out for a speedy three-point-manoeuvre – indeed this is essential if the spirit of the social model of disability is to be kept alive in welfare benefits practice in the future.
Ruth Patrick, Disability Now
10. Disabled people to protest across the UK – what’s happening near you?
Disabled people, their families and friends will be taking to the streets in cities across the UK protesting against Government cuts to disability benefits and services. Events are listed alphabetically by region or country. As more details about each event are confirmed we will be posting information on this site and on our Facebook page. You can also download posters and other campaign materials. If you plan to organise your own event, find information to support you here. Remember to send us the details so we can add them to the website. We know that not everyone will be able to attend an event, but you can join the protest online here.
Information Release, The Hardest Hit
Related Links:
* Feral overclass UK ConDem government cuts off support for terminally ill
Disability Alliance
* Norman Lamb MP, ATOS Healthcare & UNUM Insurance
Black Triangle Campaign
* Bent ATOS Britain and UNUM Insurance, A Country of Second Chances
Information Release, Black Triangle Campaign
* Al Jazeera Exposes ATOS Healthcare
Al Jazeera, The Stream
* New wave of protests launched to target detested ATOS
* ATOS Worker - Sick and disabled are 'Parasitical Wankers'
IndyMedia UK
* Documentary Film Maker requires help on project about Atos & Benefit reform
Paul Smith, Atos Register of Shame
* ATOS Healthcare bludgeons its UK critics
Will Stone, Morning Star
Saturday, 1 October 2011
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Britannia Radio