In this extract from a new, updated edition of his book, economist Roger Bootle explains why history tells us that even if Greece defaults it may not mean the end of this financial crisis. 15 Oct 2011 At last, a sense of urgency has gripped the authorities. But before we can find a way out of this epic morass, we need to be sure what got us here. 09 Oct 2011 Markets did not create the euro, politicians did. And they made a thoroughly bad job of it. Now they blame the markets for spotting their shoddy workmanship. 02 Oct 2011Roger Bootle
Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists. In his column he sheds light on how the UK and world economies are performing and the challenges facing the world's policymakers.
The Trouble With Markets: Part One
Finding the human causes of this crisis can set us on the road to recovery
Financial markets hold politicians to account over the euro crisis
Sunday, 16 October 2011
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Britannia Radio