Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The Rot at the Heart of Statism
In essence the statist believes individuals have no inalienable property or other rights as individuals, but that all belongs to the state. Under that view no individual rights exist other than rights granted to individuals by the state, and all such rights are revocable by the state. Communism, whose essential core is the denial of private property rights—and whose actual implementation in the world so far has also been thoroughly statist and thus individual-rights-denying to the core in all other respects as well, is clearly a......
by Attorney Steve Grow

Is California Assemblyman Jim Nielsen Delusional?
According to sources at the October 8, 2011 Lake County Republican Dinner, State Assemblyman Jim Nielsen was the guest speaker. Comments made during his speech were so preposterous it made some members of the audience wonder if he was becoming delusional and questioned his mental health. Nielsen claimed that people.......
by Barry Clausen

The Cart is Uselessly Before the Horse
The message has been correct, painfully on target, and tragically ignored by many. As events have revealed themselves, the timing in this final drive has been late, but mercifully the game clock has stopped for the two minute warning. However, as in sports, the final seconds in this game are almost gone. The outcome is unknown and this is for the “championship.” There is just one ultimate winner and one forever loser. All the efforts by millions in years gone by are on the line......
by Former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen