Saturday, 29 October 2011
It is amazing how the media can publish bold banner headlines which are a
total distortion of the actual facts. Nothing has changed. What has
is that a few politicians have met to agree to put proposals before their
parliaments. It seems that the Australian prime minister is in agreement
with my submissions that the six Australian States are separate sovereign
entities and must themselves also agree to any change. This means that
twenty two parliaments, most bicameral must all vote on amendments to a
number of Acts, including, but not restricted to: the Act of Settlement,
the Bill of Rights, the Coronation Oaths Act, the Crown in Parliament Act,
the Act of Union and the Royal Marriages Act.
The British Guardian newspaper has the headline: "Australia's warm welcome
as Queen announces reform to succession rules" (Nicholas Watt in Perth, Friday 28 October 2011), however this is absolutely
incorrect. Not only did the Queen not announce any reform, it would be
unconstitutional for her to do so.
The Guardian later goes on to state: "The Queen signalled her approval of
the changes by allowing her private secretary, Sir Christopher Geidt, to
attend the meeting."
Another totally false assumption. Just because the Queen needs to be
informed, and has her secretary sit in on discussions, does not mean that
she, herself, agrees or disagrees with anything discussed.
This sort of false misinformation is surely an abuse of the liberty the
media currently enjoys and which has its roots in the very Bill of Rights
the Guardian wants to amend or abolish. Whilst there is talk of change in
the air, perhaps the time has indeed come to regulate the now misused
freedom of the press.
Philip Benwell
National Chair
Australian Monarchist League
Posted by
Britannia Radio