I'll admit I have very little sympathy for those prelates at St.Paul's who chose to welcome the anarcho-communist rabble whilst sending the police away but who NOW think Swampy and co need to clear off. However I recommend you give THIS BBC interview a whirl. It is perfectly clear where John Humphyrs sympathies lie. I just love the way that the protestors against reality "General Assembly" line is lapped up by the BBC, suggesting that these layabouts against capitalism are in some way democrats. By way of a refreshing contrast, try this by Cranmer.
The BBC has managed to squeeze two items out of a Washington Post story on Marco Rubio's family history, with a news report and an accompanying bit of pointless padding from Daniel "let's defend Obama" Nasaw (unsurprisingly both pieces make prominent reference to Rubio's status as a Tea Party favourite). Thanks to the internet we can get a different perspective, and Hot Air provides us with a statement from the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies:
The Washington Post seems to have very little understanding of the Cuban exile experience and what it means to be an exile. Marco Rubio’s family was forced to stay in America because they refused to live under a communist system. That makes them exiles. It makes no difference what year you first arrived. The fundamental Cuban exile experience is not defined according to what year Cubans left, but rather by the simple, painful reality that they could not return to their homelands to live freely.It's so predictable that the pro-Democrat BBC would cover the Rubio story in the way it has and yet totally ignore Joe Biden's recent outrageous claims that opposition to Obama's jobs bill will lead to increased rape and murder. We know from the Rubio articles that BBC journalists have been reading the Washington Post this week; it's stretching the bounds of credulity to believe not one of them saw the paper's Fact Check column in which Biden's statements were debunked and awarded the highest mark of Four Pinocchios.
"Power without responsibility - the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages". Why Baldwin could have been talking about the State Broadcaster. Or the SNP. Post World War Two the remnants of burnt out Europe were allowed to build up their socialist Nirvana (Now RIP) because the United States bore the heavy lifting of funding the DEFENCE of it's borders. The modern European Nanny State was able to prosper because it got away without having to attend to the primary function of any real State namely securing the defence of its citizens. The Great Satan did that for them - and was loudly condemned for doing so. Fast forward to the SNP conference this weekend being trailed on the BBC for several days this week and in particular the way the BBC has treated Salmond's Plan B - namely the UK can pay for the defence of Scotland, whilst the SNP can take care of all internal issues care of that lovely Barnett formula. Not ONCE has any BBC interviewer thought it appropriate to ask Mr Salmond on what basis he thinks it right and proper that Scotland should not be paying for the defence of Scotland? Salmond's economic delusions north of the border get a free pass from the BBC.