State legislatures ignoring what whole world can see
There isn't a shred of authority for the Outlaw Congress to steal the fruits of your labor to give to the International Monetary Fund to pay off the debts or make loans to foreign countries. This grand larceny against we the people is so sickening, I have to wonder why the American people continue to reelect the same SOBs who refuse to stop it: Guess Who's Paying For The Greece Bailout? That's Right -- YOU.....
by Devvy Kidd
The President’s Integrity Crisis
Honesty has always been a rare virtue in Washington. Politicians have far too often feathered their own nests at public expense or favored a position they know will do nothing to solve a real problem because it is in the economic interests of those powerful entities that will return the favor. Obama is cut from that cloth. He faces a dilemma which is one only because he is too afraid to risk re-election to do what is necessary to save the nation........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Born Again Bunny
Last week, I attended four immigration conferences in Washington DC. I took two days to visit Philadelphia. As I walked the streets when Ben Franklin strolled, I felt like I was walking in another country dominated by Burka-wearing Muslim women along with a majority of third world immigrants. Philadelphia is no longer a city inhabited with Americans. It’s a mishmash of immigrants........
by Kelleigh Nelson
Immigration's Onslaught: Endless Refugees
The more I investigate our predicament, the more pained I am for the future of our civilization. As you read this four part series, you will know more than 90 percent of Americans. Dr. Garrett Hardin wrote his “Tragedy of the Commons” nearly two decades ago, but we ignored it at our increasing peril. This country stands in “Collective.....
by Frosty Wooldridge