Friday, 14 October 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Iranian Plot to Destroy America

The outline of the Iranian plot to destroy the United States is coming into sharper focus. The Islamist regime intends to bleed "the Great Satan" dry using multiple international crises and military conflicts, from Kabul to Korea, and international terrorism--more specifically, ever-escalating attacks by proxies and allies, including Hezbollah and Hamas, against targets on U.S. soil.

Vehicular bombings and Mumbai-style, swarming assaults by suicide squads are the main immediate threat. Ultimately, Iran and its partner in proliferation, North Korea, could be tempted to attempt a crippling blow--i.e. an anonymous atomic or biological weapons attack. Not for nothing have Iran and North Korea test-fired ballistic missiles from cargo ships; a nuclear missile strike on a U.S. coastal city is a real possibility, as is an EMP attack aimed at annihilating 90% of the U.S. population by overnight plunging the country back into the 19th Century--without the resources and infrastructure of that time.