ToryDiary: Osborne ready to stake more UK taxpayers' money on €urozone rescue plan The Conservative Party we have and the Conservative Party we need Columnist Bruce Anderson: Often overlooked, Phillip Hammond is worthy of his promotion to Defence Secretary Paul Goodman on Comment: Why the Conservative frontbench broke off relations with Douglas Murray - and what happened afterwards Local government: LISTEN: Can the Scottish Conservatives ever win again? A BBC Westminster Hour report. VIDEO: Obama dedicates Washington DC's new statue to Martin Luther King British taxpayers could be forced to contribute billions more to bail out bankrupt eurozone countries - Daily Mail Cameron and Huhne hold energy summit to help families struggling with gas and electricity bills Boris warns Cameron that UK economy will suffer without a new hub airport "The Mayor of London said Britain risks becoming an “aviation backwater” and losing out in the battle for emerging markets contracts because the capital’s airports will be at capacity within 20 years." - City AM Cameron under pressure to act on his pre-election promise to reform political lobbying - Independent Newspapers like The Telegraph once thought it their job to help a Tory minister in trouble but anti-Cameron right-wing newspapers now work hard to kill their careers Stephen Glover in The Independent Mary Ann Sieghart: Cameron's limit on Special Advisers contributed to Fox-gate "In opposition, Cameron promised not to replicate Labour's "sofa government". He also promised to cut down the number of ministerial special advisers. That was a mistake. Ministers need political advice from outside the Civil Service, and they need allies in pushing their agenda through their departments. What it led to was Fox having an informal adviser instead, with no security clearance, working in an unpredictable, freelance way. Not so much "sofa" as "flatshare" government. And this happened because no one was, in the end, able or willing to stand up to Fox." - Mary Ann Sieghart in The Independent Conservative Right is anxious that Philip Hammond is too close to George Osborne and will administer more cuts at the MoD - Guardian The Right is rising... on the backbenches "[The Tory right's] old policies of tax-cutting, welfare-slashing and getting out of Europe will be more appealing to Conservative MPs as the euro bloc gets into deeper trouble and unemployment at home keeps rising. It may not be Fox or David Davis who leads the right from the backbenches, but there are plenty of brighter young MPs who may take up the flag – look at the recent utterings of Chris Skidmore, Priti Patel, Elizabeth Truss, Dominic Raab and others. Cameron will meet a renewed challenge, bigger than any Blair faced in his prime." - Jackie Ashley in The Guardian > Yesterday's ToryDiary: The lack of Right-wing voices in the Cabinet Internal Tory polling reveals Coalition's problem with women voters "25% more women than men believing that the economy is going in the wrong direction, and 10% more saying cuts are falling unfairly; favourability towards the coalition 12% lower among women; women twice as likely to think children will have a worse life and less opportunity than their generation." - Times (£) A Times leader (£) warns Cameron against becoming too macho: "The Conservative leadership has, in the past year, marginalised its female politicians, with the sole exception of Theresa May. What has made this process of “manning-up” seem more than mere accident is the way that the party’s recent political style has been predicated on a posture of assertiveness — towards underperforming public sector workers, criminals, migrants and Europe — that may well reflect the need for political strength at this time but that cannot help but alienate voters looking for some sense of the much talked-about compassion to balance this toughness." Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone urges Cameron to abandon 'hideous' plans to cut maternity rights - Guardian More than 100,000 problem families face daily visits from Government officials under plans being drawn up in the wake of the summer riots -Telegraph "The policies of the rich, not the Right, turn people off the Tories. Here’s how to fix that" - Tim Montgomerie in The Times (£) Alex Salmond believes there has been an historic shift in public opinion towards independence - Herald Calls for the full release of documents relating to the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster will be debated in Commons today after e-petition received 139,000 signatures - BBC Labour coffers are swollen by ‘£250 plus VAT’ every time it refers a supporter who is seeking accident compensation to a friendly firm of solicitors - Daily Mail And finally... Cameron goes unrecognised by Bollywood actress on the London Underground - Daily Mail ToryDiary: Lord Flight on Comment: Britain's economic fortunes may not be restored unless we have a major renegotiation of our EU membership Felix Bungay on Comment: Abolishing the 50p tax rate doesn’t have to be politically toxic Richard Marsh on Platform: We've faced opposition to health reform before, and we must see it through once again Douglas Murray on Comment: I'm not a bigot but Paul Goodman is Columnist Ruth Lea: As growth falters, realism creeps into the green energy debate Local government: WATCH: Nick de Bois MP on Comment: It's time for common sense on maternity and paternity rights because men and women need more job-creating businesses
"Moves to raise the amount Britain might give to bail out the eurozone were blasted last night. Chancellor George Osborne sparked fury by hinting we could contribute more to the International Monetary Fund. He said our exposure to the IMF — currently at £20billion — could increase if the global economic crisis worsened. But he insisted that Europe needed to first agree its own rescue deal." - The Sun
"We are determined that everything that can be done will be done to help people bring their energy bills down." - Cameron and Huhne set out emergency and long-term measures in an article
"The transport department has rebuffed suggestions from one of the airline industry’s most senior figures that Justine Greening, the new transport secretary, would have a “conflict of interest” because her constituency is underneath the Heathrow airport flight path." - FT (£)
Nadine Dorries claims millions of northern women are turned off by “plummy accents” and “Savile Row suits” on the Tory front benches - Express
Scottish Tory HQ rejects calls from three of the four leadership candidates for inquiry into claims that a staffer has favoured Ruth Davidson - Scotsman
Everyone knows David Cameron is a lizard. So why does the Telegraph continue to deny the truth? - Charlie Brooker in The Guardian responds to Graeme Archer.
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