Urgent Message: what you can (and should!)
do to lobby your MP on the EU referendum vote
21st October 2011
Freedom Association
Friday, 21 October 2011
David Cameron, our self-styled "Eurosceptic" Prime Minister, has shown his true pro-EU colours by joining the equally discredited leaders of the Labour and LibDem Parties to deny the public a vote on EU membership.
Of course, in this opening battle of what must be a long war to regain this country's freedom, independence and democracy, the three anti-democratic and out of touch party leaders will prevail, using patronage and bullying, but, nonetheless, it is essential that each of us does all in his/her power to persuade our own MP to vote to give the public a vote on this most vital issue.
As usual, The Freedom Association is working closely with other freedom-minded groups to help achieve the best possible result. Our good friends at The People's Pledge (organisers of this Saturday's Congress for a Referendum, have issued some useful advice on what you can do to counter the cheating, bully boy tactics of Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. Rather than reinvent the wheel, we have printed this advice below. Please read it carefully and act on it.
We need your help in this battle for freedom and democracy.
The Government is trying to cheat you.
Here's what YOU can do to fight back:
The vote in Parliament on an EU referendum was scheduled to happen next Thursday 27th October. However the Government has now switched the date of the vote to this Monday 24th October after ministers were worried about the huge number of people the People's Pledge would be able to mobilise to lobby Parliament. This is an outrageous attempt to stifle debate and peaceful protest. Not only does the government not want to have a referendum on the EU, but it wants to shut down the debate altogether.
We need you to contact your MP. MPs from all parties are being pressured by their whips to toe the party line and oppose a referendum. They need your support to combat party pressure and must hear from you in the next 48 hours. Please act now!
What you can do:
STEP 1: Ring your MP
Call your MP on 0207 219 3000 - this is the House of Commons switchboard. Please ask to speak to your MP about the EU referendum vote. Tell your MP that you have signed the People's Pledge and that you want him/her to vote in favour of an EU referendum. Inform him/her that, through the People's Pledge website, you will watch how he/she has voted and will take this into account at the next General Election.
STEP 2: Email your MP
Even if you have already done so, do it again.
Tell him/her how annoyed you are that the day of the vote has now changed and that the parties are forcing their MPs to vote against the EU referendum that polls show a majority of people want. Remember you must give your name and address so that your MP can respond. Please forward to us any responses that you get.
STEP 3 : Join us in lobbying Parliament on the new date, Monday 24th October.
The People's Pledge is holding an official lobby of Parliament on the 24th of October and would like you to attend. They have secured permission to hold a group lobby of MPs in person before the vote in Parliament. To do this you must arrive at 2pm at St. Stephen's Entrance, where supporters will start to queue to lobby their MPs.
The next 4 days are vital and we need as many of you to get involved as possible. To generate maximum pressure on MPs don't just complete one of these steps; please do all three, and forward this email as widely as possible.
I look forward to seeing you at the mass lobby of Parliament this Monday 24 October.
Thank you, in advance, for your help in the fightback to regain our country from the politicians who have stolen it from us. As I write this, 84 Honourable Members (led, of course, by all the signatories to The Freedom Association's own Better Off Out campaign) have had the guts to sign up to support a referendum on EU membership. Please give them your full support and do all you can to encourage others to do the decent thing and vote for democracy.
Best wishes,
Simon Richards
The Freedom Association
Follow me on Twitter @simplysimontfa
Posted by Britannia Radio at 16:31