Have you ever seen one of these?Neither had I until this past year and now am a devoted user! Looks kind of like a torpedo doesn't it? Well it just shot down Pumpkins from this kitchen. The great "CANDY ROASTER" and where it got this name is beyond me but it is really delicious but takes some doing to get to that meat inside. It takes a good strong knife with a strong back or a small hatchet to crack the skin then it has to be roasted in the oven till soft then you can do what ever you wish with it.. Pies are mouthwatering, bread great, cookies and muffins can't be beat... even made a pudding with it. I have spent the past few days canning this beauty. I got 8 quarts plus already made and ate 2 pies. I saved the seeds so anyone wanting to grow a few next summer just send me a envelope self addressed and stamped and I will get you enough seeds to grow 5 or 6 plants... Google Candy Roaster and you will see it is really a neat vegetable well worth the growing. With all of the BS going on with the stock market, the Occupy Wall Street mess and myriad of every day warnings and complete crap I have given up. With the comets and space junk being thrown at us and warnings of nuke bombings in Va and Colorado and all of Washington going to Denver to their Underground home away from home, Silver and gold going up and down like a roller coaster, our food being poisoned, our air being poisoned and a constant barrage of warnings about those damned terrorists who are lurking around every corner oh wait that looks like Janet our big sis,? When Webster published the word UGLY all he had to do was put her name by it, no other definition would be necessary. These Assholes who dress up in a suit every day ( their Mommy probably has to help them) , collect thousands of dollars of our taxes as a pay for being a complete juvenile idiot. I bet they pick their nose and wipe it on their sleeves when no one is looking. This is our government? Come on people how did this happen? It has just become a little too claustrophobic for me to deal with any longer.. Someone sent me this link to a video that I found really pretty eyeopening and uplifting to realize it wasn't just me seeing and thinking about this mess. This fellow is about as disgusted with his race as I am with mine... Damn people, can you not see or hear or think? Our government has lost it's mind, no we have lost ours. These little twits are up there having a ball seeing just how stupid we all are and how far they can go and still keep us in line... My God people, think about it.. ;they are making up crap like a 9 year old would think of.. The TERRORISTS are coming oh my word... watch out his jockey shorts may blow up or his sneakers will set a fire? Come on doesn't that sound like a bunch of kids playing silly games? You should know that after eons of fighting and killing the Muslims are much more resourceful than that.. I can see them sitting around their local camel parking lot poking a fire laughing at how stupid the Americans are thinking they would be doing such juvenile things. If they wanted to kill and maim us on our own soil it would be fairly easy, just walk in a subway and toss a bomb, all of our malls are prime places if they wanted to inflict wounds really....And if they were really serious they could always go to any large airport and just step in line... wham... lots of stupid people there just waiting patiently to get felt up or irradiated and for what? To prevent some terrorist from setting his drawers on fire.... yeah I am really scared of that ... What really scares me is those juveniles in Washington snickering and laughing and making new laws and we are so stupid we follow them.... The fellow below makes a lot of sense.. white black brown or yellow we are all being scammed.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCul2D8bog8&feature=related Speaking of stupid laws... well not so stupid considering which side of the fence you are on,,, Hay is now a pollutant? Small farmers can't leave it in the fields or uncovered on the barn floor but must have special storage provisions for it.... Come on People... What the hell is going on here??? http://www.naturalnews.com/033537_hay_pollutant.html Now you want to get really pissed? Just google Agenda 21 or Agenda 21 for Dummy's... That is your future, you are not exempt and there isn't going to be any Jubilee to save our butts...that is something we will have to do for ourselves and we would be smart to start with that Japanese Military Base Obama gave them permission to build next to their Honda factory... Yep a real live military base with missiles, tanks and Jap soldiers in uniform.. Remember Pearl Harbor folks and then think about the Trojan Horse.... And Obama just keeps on tap dancing around the White house entertaining his lovely wife Butch oh excuse me, Michelle... Oh what a beaut she is and representing me and my country to the world???? I have to get myself together and get ready for what ever comes and I am hoping you all will be doing the same. Unless someone actually sets up some meetings and gatherings of men and women willing to fight and die for their country we may as well just enjoy what is left of the ride. Oh to be 20 years younger again... Those that are occupying wall street missed their mark, it should have been Washington DC and they should have been armed to the teeth with axes, shovels, rakes, pitchforks, ropes, and some big vats of hot black tar.... oh yes all of those critters need to be feathered and tarred including the Congress and Senate. it is their faults we are in this pickle. They are collecting exorbitant salaries to work for Us yet they are the only ones profiting in any way. Yep they need to have their bank accounts seized, all their property seized, and their asses put on a rail and tarred and feathered. All of them. I can only think of a small pitiful hand full that have even tried to stand up and they soon toppled over with fear and worry about their own well being. The military should be setting up their bunker busters and aiming them at the UN in NY and blowing them out of existence.. No mercy as they have shown us none only taken our money and land and now our very lives and freedom. Where are our Generals who have the balls to obey their oaths? Are there any? Doesn't look like it does it? Why hasn't anyone arrested Soros? Rothschild? I would consider them traitors and should have their wealth stripped from them... It could be used to clean up the country that we have let the Army Corp of engineers totally screw up.... Oh well I just keep on and on and finding more and more things that need fixing which won't be fixed and nothing will happen, no terrorist attacks on our soil unless Obama decides to show us one, so eventually we will be so controlled we won't be able to even talk to one another without a constant monitor.. oh crap I think that is already being done? I promise this is the end; I am going to simply make sure every thing that I can do to protect my family, home and friends is being done. We already have a good start here and are willing to help anyone else that needs it. I am going to begin a series of letters once a week with hints and plans for self preservation as we have done here. I hope it will help you and yours. Our recipes for use of the dehydrated foods have all been tested and are the best we can find for both health and taste. I cannot continue to pay for the cost of the newsletter as I am going on a austerity program which I will lay out for your use also. You will also be able to copy all of the past news letters if you wish to. Please subscribe: the cost is only $1 a month. Everyone can afford that and as you get the newsletters print them out into a booklet which should be so helpful in the future. We have plans for solar devices, food storage ideas, food producing programs even when you don't have a yard or garden space, so many things that I have learned over the years and from others who are much smarter than I am. Thanks guys. See you next week in a new format: The newsletter I sent out previously (YIKES) with the subscription link was faulty. This one should work... thank you for your patience Please subscribe: the cost is only $1 a month. Everyone can afford that and as you get the newsletters print them out into a booklet which should be so helpful in the future. We have plans for solar devices, food storage ideas, food producing programs even when you don't have a yard or garden space, so many things that I have learned over the years and from others who are much smarter than I am. Thanks guys. See you next week in a new format: And if you want to leave:Yikes what is this?
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio