When we hear about Hebollah’s plan to launch 10,000 rockets and Israel on the first day of a war, we wonder if are defenses are adequate. The IDF is silent. To my mind Israel would never have let Hezbollah’s arsenal get this big if she couldn’t deal with it. I am sure they have a war plan to deal with it. Ted Belman Israel is stepping up its development of the Arrow 3, considered the world’s most advanced anti-ballistic missile system • Israel, U.S. planning “largest” and “most significant” joint exercise in the allies’ history • Iran has missiles that can strike Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf region. It’s still quite a while till Valentine’s Day in the United States, but in Pakistan the day of love came early as a Romeo named Ahmed Yusuf threw acid in the face of his 9 year old Juliet, his wife/cousin causing extensive burns over her body. Ahmed Yusuf couldn’t have known any better. Throwing acid at a woman in Pakistan is their culture’s version of roses and chocolate. And since he was only 10 years old, his father and brothers were happy to help out. After the father who had married off a 9 year old girl to her 10 year old cousin noticed the acid burns, which the family tried to pass off as a skin condition, he earned a “Father of the Year” trophy by taking her back home, but that didn’t dissuade his brother and nephews who showed up and thew acid on her again. Now the acid burned girl and father are on the run with the Pakistani police in hot pursuit because the local law favors turning the girl back to her husband. The... By Ted Belman Marine le Pen has taken over the National Front from her father, Jean-Marie, and has been climbing in the polls to the point where she is ahead of Sarkozy. She could become the next President of France. She was recently in the US where she was avoided by almost all politicians, But Ron Proser, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, met with her, by mistake, he said, for 20 minutes. The Guardian asked a few months ago Is this the most dangerous woman in France? It is no longer available on the Guardian so I used another link. Russell Shorto writes, Le Pen works assiduously at the fine political balancing act of remaining loyal to her father – and maintaining the support of the party’s base – while distancing herself from the elder Le Pen’s outrageousness. She has jettisoned her father’s frank anti-Semitism, but she keeps the anti-immigrant policy plank as a central feature of the platform and will occasionally use headline-grabbing... By Shoshana Bryen, AMERICAN THINKER Iran is a central pillar of evil in the Middle East, Central Asia and through Afghanistan to Pakistan. It threatens Israel in apocalyptic terms; arms and trains proxies that kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan; orchestrates plots to kill diplomats in the United States; murdered its own dissidents in Europe; undermines the elected government of Iraq; supports Bashar Assad’s murderous rampage against Syrian citizens and Hezb’allah’s rape of Lebanon. Making common cause with Castro, Chavez and Ortega, Iran works overtime to cause the US trouble in its own backyard. It exercises fearsome repression and barbaric punishment against its own people.Amid talk of Iran war, Israel accelerates Arrow 3 program
Pakistani Love Story
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Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Missile expert Uzi Rubin says Iranian long-range missiles, which can hit national infrastructures due to their high precision, pose no threat to Israel; can be intercepted in the air by Arrow 3 missiles
Lilach Shoval, ISRAEL HAYOM
The Arrow 2 anti-missile...
And, oh yes, Iran is building nuclear weapons capability.
Last week and this, Israeli and now American and British newspapers are full of Israel-will-strike-Iran stories. The Israel Air Force held training drills in Italy; Israel tested a missile that can reach Iran; the Israeli...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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