Can't wait for the BBC's much loved "comedians" to poke fun through good natured banter at Obama who is under the belief that Hawaii is in Asia. On a good day perhaps you can see it from the White House, right? From today's Independent: Words; they are the ammunition the BBC uses to disguise profound and systemic bias. The BBC on numerous occasions via website & television, describes Ennahda, the Islamist party that won the recent Tunisian elections as moderate. For example see: Click here to see just how "moderate" Ennahda is.LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER?
This man, Robert Lamb, appears to be at the heart of the BBC's environmental programmes scandal. Surprise, surprise, he was trained as a BBC producer in the 1980s and has since become a one man blizzard of greenie programming. Two of the companies he has has set up and run have been named by the BBC trustees as "causing concern" because they accepted funding from external sources in alleged breach of current affairs programme guidelines and were made in such a way that there could have been conflicts of interest. In other words, the production standards and financing stank to high heaven.
So who is Robert Lamb? A partial profile is here. As you see, he ticks almost every greenie activist box - the BBC, the UN, and various right-on pressure groups. His own, self-righteous assessment of his eco-fascist agenda ishere. Basically, he set up the Television Trust for the Environment in the 1980s and ran it until around 2005. Over the past few years, he formed and now runs his own outfit called One Planet Pictures. He also helped establish, and is now an executive producer of, Dev TV.
TVE, as I reported yesterday, has mysteriously vanished from the web (on October 24, a B-BBC reader found) and I don't think that's a coincidence. Under the template created by Mr Lamb, it currently (according to its latest charity commission return - h/t Tony Newbery, Harmless Sky) generates more than £1.4m a year of support from sources that include various greenie tranzis and government departments that have an EU-driven climate change agenda. From the beginning, again under Mr Lamb's nakedly aggressive political agenda and template, its goal was todisseminate unbridled greenie alarmist propaganda in accordance with the UN agenda. The only surprise really is that it has taken this long for this to be seen as a conflict of interest.
Dev TV and One Planet Pictures - set up, I surmise, on the basis of my own inside information, after Mr Lamb fell out with the TVE trustees - appear to be run on exactly the same lines. I urge you to have a quick look at what they say and how they are structured. Their output is hardcore, unqualified propaganda. And Dev TV's co-production guidelines here appear to be a recipe for exactly the conflict of interest and undue outside interest that the BBC trustees have now - so belatedly - fingered.
I do hope this signals the end of Mr Lamb's eco-fascist career. But the BBC both spawned him and has kept him in business for almost 30 years - I suspect that like the hydra, he will keep on going.BBC Surprisingly Unfazed About White House Shooting – I Wonder Why?
The man supected of shooting at the White House last Friday had become obsessed with President Barack Obama, officials have told US media.
It is thought Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, 21, believed God had given him a personal mission to attack the White House, said law enforcement sources.
A US Park Police bulletin said he was "unstable with violent tendencies".
You would have thought that someone bringing a rifle with him and shooting at the White House would have been on the BBC website’s loop for several days accompanied by a lorry load of speculative think pieces on the dangers of political violence in the US from an assortment of pundits and experts.
Not one mention of the dangers of violent rhetoric.
Could it have been because of the suggestion that this man had been hanging around the Occupy DC gathering? There is no evidence that he was a “member” of that “movement”.....but he might have listened to some of the rhetoric which could have echoed fiery outbursts in New York
Naturally the BBC goes for the safe option and doesn’t even wonder if there is any connection between the endemic violence in so many of the Occupy encampments and an “Obama obsessed” gunman firing a rifle at the Presidential residence.
I wonder why?
At least in the BBC website report of Rep. Giffords interview with the ABC’s Diane Sawyer they had the good grace not mention Sawyer’s sly and serpentine attempt to rehash the lies and innuendo pumped out by a complicit US/UK media associating the Tucson shooting with Governor Palin and the Tea Party....
cross posted at The Aged PALL CHIEFS, NO INDIANS
The BBC may have embarked on some of the most dramatic cost-cutting in its history, but it seems there is still some way to go. There are almost 4,500 job titles in existence at the Corporation, it has emerged, and almost 2,000 of its staff have the word manager in their title. It is thought there are even more staff on top of this who are classed as and paid as managers but do not have the word in their job titles.
The London-based television company being investigated by Ofcom over a global news fixing row tried to “cultivate” a world-famous environmental economist and other leading opinion formers in the green movement for the documentaries it made for the BBC and other news broadcasters.
FBC Media claims in its promotional literature that it targeted Professor Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, to be an “ambassador” for its corporate client on programmes it made about the controversial palm oil industry in Malaysia.
Mr Sachs, a special adviser to United Nations secretary general Ban-Ki Moon, was a prominent interviewee on a BBC World “Third Eye” documentary about Malaysia which was produced by FBC. The Independent has established that FBC was paid £17m by the Malaysian government to work on a “global strategic communications campaign”. The documentary was one of eight FBC programmes made for the BBC found to have been in “serious” breach of corporation editorial guidelines in a report issued yesterday by the BBC Trust.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
It has to be that unique funding that allows all of this largesse.
Hat-tip to Martin.
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